Monarch Watch Blog

Monarch Population Status

6 March 2025 | Author: Jim Lovett

The WWF-Telmex Telcel Foundation Alliance, in collaboration with the National Commission of Natural Protected Areas (CONANP), the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM), and the Monarch Butterfly Biosphere Reserve (MBBR), announced the total forest area occupied by overwintering monarch colonies today. Eight (8) colonies were located this winter season with a total area of 1.79 hectares, a 99% increase from the previous season (0.90 ha).

Figure 1. Total Area Occupied by Monarch Colonies at Overwintering Sites in Mexico.

Report: 2024 Monitoreo Mariposa Monarca en México 2024-2025

WWF story: Eastern monarch butterfly population nearly doubles in 2025

Note: The WWF-TELMEX Telcel Foundation Alliance collaborates with CONANP to systematically monitor the hibernation of the Monarch since 2004, and they join the Institute of Biology of the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM) to analyze changes in forest cover in the area core of the Monarch Butterfly Biosphere Reserve in order to have scientific bases that support the implementation of conservation strategies for the benefit of the species, ecosystems and human beings.

Monarch overwintering numbers in Mexico for the 2024 season

by Chip Taylor, Founding Director of Monarch Watch

The monarch numbers are in, and they are of interest again, but this time not for the fact that the population declined but for the rate of increase. Last year the overwintering population was extremely low, occupying only 0.90 hectares when all colonies were counted. That number was second only to 2013 when the total was 0.67 hectares. The number this year is 1.79* hectares and that is remarkable. It’s a doubling of the population. How many vertebrate species can double their numbers in one year? Surely few, except for some fishes and a few birds that brood large clutches.

Out of curiosity, I went through all of the records for increases to see whether there are other years with remarkable recoveries and there are 7, including this year. The rate of increase data, represented by the number for the following year divided by the previous year, are as follows:

Years Increase
2000-2001 3.3
2004-2005 2.7
2009-2010 2.1
2013-2014 1.7
2014-2015 3.5
2017-2018 2.4
2023-2024 2.0

As you can see, the 2.0 increase from 2023 to 2024 is in line with increases (1.7-2.7) that have occurred 5 times in the past.

Following that, I checked the spreadsheet I maintain of all the weather and other conditions that might moderate population growth. That revealed there were negative growth indicators for all the low years (droughts, low summer temperatures, etc.) and various degrees of positive growth conditions (near average temperatures and precipitation) in all the following years. In fact, the temperatures and precipitation were close to the long-term averages for the entire growing season for 5 of the years in which the populations increased. Negative years do follow negative years and that has been more common since 2010 than earlier in the record (none prior to 2010 and 5 since 2010). That may say something about greater instability in weather patterns during the growing season since 2010. However, for now, we should put that idea on the watch list.

A takeaway here is that monarchs demonstrate resilience over and over again. Weather knocks them down, but spectacular recoveries are the rule if negative conditions during one year are followed by favorable conditions for population growth. As some of you may recall, I wrote a text for the Monarch Watch Blog that summarized the data that speaks to the three r’s (resilience, redundancy and representation) that are at the core of the Species Status Assessment (SSA). That document is prepared and used as the basis for determining whether a species should be regarded as threatened or endangered. My comments were in reference to the SSA prepared in 2020 but seem relevant now that we are dealing with a new SSA.

*There is one more thing to tell you about the 1.79hectare measurement. It is close to the three- and five-year running averages, which are 1.98hectares and 2.18hectares respectively.


Taylor, O. R., 2023. The species status assessment (SSA) and the three r’s. Monarch Watch Blog.


If you go through the updates I wrote for the Monarch Watch Blog from March through June, you will see that I was really high on the possibility that the recovery this year could be the best ever. It wasn’t. Something happened during late May and early June that limited the reproductive success of the first generation in the Upper Midwest and therefore the size of the second generation that reached maturity in July. That, in turn, limited the size of the third/migratory generation and ultimately the size of the overwintering population.

So, what happened? Probably too much rain and too many days with unfavorable conditions for egg laying in the Upper Midwest, the region that produces the majority of the monarchs that arrive at the overwintering sites. The foundation for this interpretation was outlined by Myron Zalucki and Wayne Rochester in a chapter in The Monarch Butterfly: Biology and Conservation (2004). These authors pointed out that weather which limits egg laying results in a reduction of the total number of eggs laid during a lifetime. In other words, female monarchs don’t fulfill their full reproductive potential if egg laying is significantly delayed and that limits the number of offspring and the size of the next generation. This interpretation deserves a follow up, but the outcome is similar to a reduction in population growth that occurred following a long rainy period I tracked in Ontario a number of years ago. Demography isn’t easy and it becomes really difficult when events that occur over a few days, or a week or more, have a big impact on mortality or reproductive success.

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USFWS Proposed Rule: Thoughts and Implications

22 January 2025 | Author: Kristen Baum


We have been receiving questions about our thoughts related to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) proposed rule to list the monarch butterfly as threatened 4(d) under the Endangered Species Act, as well as what the implications are for Monarch Watch programs. We provide our responses to both questions below, as well as an overview of the listing process and proposed rule.

Thoughts about the Proposed Rule
One topic we have been thinking about is the limit of 250 or fewer butterflies placed on scientific research and educational activities. Monarch Watch has several programs to support our education, conservation, and research mission that mean we currently go above that limit, and that would likely apply to other organizations and individuals as well. For example, we have supported a community-science tagging program since 1992, and some of our taggers regularly tag more than 250 monarchs per year, including some organizations and groups that host tagging events. We also provide educational resources and programs that emphasize the monarch life cycle through the inclusion of monarchs in classrooms and other educational settings, and at in-person events. The research programs of individual researchers, including my own, would also typically exceed that limit, especially if the research requires maintaining a colony of monarchs. At the public hearings on Jan. 14 and 15, the USFWS emphasized that it is possible these activities could continue, but a permit would be needed. An alternative approach to permits would be to increase the number of monarchs included in the exemption for specific activities or to completely exempt certain activities. These alternative approaches would be more likely to ensure these activities continue without additional regulatory constraints.

Another consideration is the section about vegetation-management activities when monarchs are not present. This section of the proposed rule presumably applies to activities not already provided with an exemption. Exemptions are included for “habitat restoration and management activities, livestock grazing and routine ranching activities, routine agricultural activities and conservation practices, fire management, silviculture and forest management, [and] management of habitat on residential and other developed properties.” This section of the proposal might influence milkweed and nectar plant recommendations for settings where management of milkweed and nectar plants may be needed during the growing season when monarchs are likely present. Some of our favorite nectar plants can be on the weedy side and require some work to keep them in their place in garden settings. Many of our milkweed species, including common milkweed, spread via underground rhizomes, so we often recommend planting them in locations where one can limit spread beyond the intended location, especially in urban areas, such as by mowing around the perimeter of the milkweed’s designated planting area.

It is also important to think about what is included or could be included in the proposed 4(d) rule that will make a positive difference by adding more to monarch-conservation efforts than what is already being done.

For example, our Monarch Waystation Program is approaching 50,000 registered habitats after almost 20 years. We also distributed 100,000 free milkweed plants last year. However, we are still losing more monarch habitat each year than we are gaining through these efforts and others. We need to register 50,000 Monarch Waystations every year (or every few months!) instead of every 20 years, and we need to distribute 1 million or more milkweed plants each year. [For anyone who is interested, we are currently accepting applications for our two free milkweed programs, including one program for schools and educational non-profits and another for restoration sites.] We need to figure out how to do more.

We also need to figure out how to get more people involved in monarch-conservation efforts. There are many people dedicated to this mission already, from creating habitat, to participating in community science projects, to raising awareness about monarch-conservation concerns with friends and family. The exciting thing about monarchs is there is something that everyone can do to help them; we just need to figure out how to get everyone involved.

Implications of the Proposed Rule for Monarch Watch Programs
None of the actions included in the proposed rule will take effect until after the USFWS decides whether to list the monarch butterfly. The 90-day comment period is open until March 12, 2025, after which the USFWS will evaluate the comments received and any other relevant new information. The final rule will be posted within a year (by December 12, 2025), and rules typically become effective 30 days after posting. That means that there are no implications for Monarch Watch programs at the present time. However, depending on what exemptions are included in a final rule, it is possible that Monarch Watch may need to modify some of our programs or obtain permits to continue some of our activities, including our education, conservation, and research programs, with some specifics described in the previous section. It is also possible that people and organizations that host events or activities associated with these programs may need permits, such as those that host tagging events or that regularly tag more than 250 monarchs. Some of these possibilities will depend on the wording used in the final rule and the interpretation of that wording, such as what the phrase “one location or facility” means as it relates to the 250-monarch limit.

Overview of Listing Process and Proposed Rule
The USFWS announced a proposed rule on Dec. 10, 2024, to list the monarch butterfly as threatened under the Endangered Species Act, including a 4(d) rule.

“Threatened” is defined as “likely to become endangered in the foreseeable future throughout a significant portion of its range,” and “endangered” is defined as “in danger of extinction throughout all or a significant portion of its range.”

If the proposed rule had been an endangered listing, there would have been an automatic set of prohibitions. A threatened proposed ruling with an accompanying 4(d) rule allows the USFWS to modify or exempt some prohibitions based on conservation and management needs identified specifically for the monarch. It is also important to note that this is a proposed rule. There is a 90-day comment period that will end on March 12, 2025. A final rule won’t be posted until up to a year later (by Dec. 12, 2025, unless there is an extension), and then rules typically become effective 30 days after posting.

The USFWS reached its decision based on a Species Status Assessment (SSA) for the monarch. An SSA is a risk assessment based on available information and considers both the current status of the species as well as expected future status based on possible scenarios. An SSA is based on the “3 Rs,” which are resiliency, redundancy, and representation, or collectively the likelihood a species can maintain wild populations.

There are two main monarch populations in the U.S., including the eastern migratory population and the western migratory population. The eastern migratory population occurs east of the continental divide and migrates from as far north as southern Canada to overwintering sites in central Mexico each year. The western population occurs west of the continental divide and overwinters along the coast of California. Estimates of population size for the eastern migratory population are based on estimates of the area of trees covered by monarchs, whereas estimates of population size for the western population are based on counts of individual monarchs at overwintering sites located along hundreds of miles of California coastline. For example, the eastern migratory population size was recorded as 0.9 hectares last overwintering season, which was the second-lowest population size on record. To put that in perspective, the highest population size based on current methods was recorded in 1996 at more than 18 hectares. Previous research has suggested there are approximately 21.1 million monarchs per hectare, so there were less than 19 million monarchs last year compared with more than 380 million in 1996. The western migratory population size is much smaller, with counts ranging from less than 2,000 to more than 1.2 million. Based on the SSA, the USFWS estimates that the eastern migratory population has declined by approximately 80%, with an extinction probability of 56% to 74% by 2080. The USFWS estimates the western population has declined by more than 95% since the 1980s, with an extinction probability of more than 99% by 2080.

When the proposed rule was announced, the 4(d) section was what many of us read first. In it, the USFWS identifies the need to increase the availability of milkweed and nectar plants, to protect and enhance overwintering habitat, to reduce the negative impacts of pesticides, and to maintain public support for monarch conservation. The USFWS also emphasizes the importance of people in shaping current conservation efforts and indicated its intent with the proposed 4(d) rule is to incentivize voluntary efforts.

The way that can be seen in the proposed 4(d) rule is that activities may continue that do not result in conversion of native or naturalized grassland, shrubland, or forested habitat, and that includes allowing for the removal of milkweed and nectar plants. The USFWS includes exemptions for “habitat restoration and management activities, livestock grazing and routine ranching activities, routine agricultural activities and conservation practices, fire management, silviculture and forest management, management of habitat on residential and other developed properties, and vegetation management activities when monarchs are not present.” The explanation for this approach is that the USFWS expects any localized removal of milkweed and nectar plants would be outweighed by the overall addition of milkweed and nectar plants at larger scales. The USFWS also mentions this is meant to reduce the fear of regulation by private landowners who could remove milkweed from their land now, prior to the final rule, fearing potential future regulatory constraints. The focus is on incentivizing voluntary efforts, especially given how extensive and successful voluntary efforts have been since the petition to list the monarch was submitted in 2014.

The USFWS also indicates it wants to maintain people’s interactions with monarchs. Where this can be seen in the proposed 4(d) rule is the exemption of small-scale collection, possession, captive-rearing, and release of monarchs. “Small-scale” is defined as 250 or fewer butterflies. That same 250-or-fewer number is applied to scientific research, educational activities, and the sale of captively reared monarchs.

The USFWS also provides an exemption for the possession of dead monarchs and monarch mortality due to vehicle strikes.

Critical habitat is also designated as part of the proposed 4(d) rule. The critical habitat designation identifies specific areas that are critical for the conservation of the species and may need special management or protection. There is some confusion over what that designation means. Critical habitat only affects federal agency actions, including activities funded by federal agencies or that require authorization by federal agencies, such as permits or licenses. Activities by private landowners are not affected unless federal funding or permitting is involved. In the proposed rule, critical habitat is focused on overwintering areas used by the western monarch population.

Another area of interest is potential limits on the use of pesticides. The USFWS includes specific areas where it seeks additional information and input, and that includes an extensive section seeking public comment on how to address pesticide use in the 4(d) rule.

We are in the 90-day comment period, which ends on March 12, 2025. For people or organizations thinking about providing comments, it is important to remember that the USFWS is required to base decisions on the best scientific and commercial data available, so consider how to provide an effective comment that can be used to inform the 4(d) rule.

Additional Reading from Monarch Watch
Monarch Listing Announcement Expected Next Week
Species Status Assessment and the three r’s
The pending decision: Will monarchs be designated as threatened or endangered?
Why there will always be monarchs
Monarchs now ranked as ‘endangered’ in Canada

Photo by Damien Campbell on Unsplash

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Monarch Listing Announcement Expected Next Week

26 November 2024 | Author: Kristen Baum


The monarch butterfly was petitioned for listing under the Endangered Species Act in August 2014. The United States Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) issued a “warranted, but precluded” decision in December 2020, which designated the monarch as a candidate species until a final decision is made. The USFWS is expected to announce that decision, likely as a proposed rule, by Dec. 4, 2024. There are three possible outcomes, including not warranted for listing, threatened, or endangered. An endangered proposed ruling would involve an automatic set of prohibitions, whereas a threatened proposed ruling would likely include a proposed 4(d) rule to modify or exempt some prohibitions based on monarch-specific conservation needs. A public comment period, typically 60 days, will follow the proposed ruling. The USFWS will issue a final rule within twelve months after the end of the comment period.

A recent example of a proposed rule is for the regal fritillary, which includes a proposed endangered listing for the eastern regal fritillary (the eastern subspecies) and proposed threatened listing for the western regal fritillary (the western subspecies), including a 4(d) rule for the western regal fritillary. The comment period closed on Oct. 7, 2024, and you can view the comments that were submitted. You will notice that the proposed 4(d) rule for the western regal fritillary allows for routine livestock operations and other activities, but specifies blade heights for brush control, return intervals for prescribed fire, etc. Many of the submitted comments focus on the implications of these specifications for geographic locations and contexts, including best management practices.

Reviewing the comments for the regal fritillary proposed rule may be helpful for those who plan to provide comments about a proposed ruling for the monarch. There is also a document on “Tips for Submitting Effective Comments” posted by the Forest Service on Some important points from that document are 1) state the issue(s) within the rule that you are commenting on, 2) provide clear and concise comments including, 3) include pros, cons, trade-offs, examples, explanations, alternatives, etc., when relevant, 4) include a description of your background and qualifications to provide context for your comment(s), and 5) a well-written comment may be more effective than many form letters. Examples of how comments are addressed by the USFWS in final rulings can be found on the Federal Register, such as the final rule for the silverspot butterfly.

Regardless of the outcome of the listing process, we know that there continues to be cause for concern about the monarch population even with numerous ongoing voluntary conservation efforts. We need to do more to support monarchs. That means increasing the amount of monarch habitat we are creating each year, enhancing existing habitats to increase their value for monarchs, and decreasing the amount of monarch habitat that is lost each year. There are many groups and organizations supporting current efforts, but we need to expand that network to include even more people.

Join Monarch Watch in creating habitat to support monarchs and their spectacular fall migration. Please share information within your communities about creating Monarch Waystations. Encourage people, schools, and other organizations to apply to our Free Milkweeds for Schools & Educational Non-Profits and Free Milkweeds for Restoration Projects programs. If you are interested in sponsoring free milkweeds to increase the number we can give away, please reach out to let us know as we are currently in the process of working with our partner nurseries to set grow goals for 2025. The Milkweed Market will open in January 2025 for ordering milkweeds for spring planting.

Additional Reading about the Upcoming Proposed Rule Announcement
Monarch Joint Venture: United States Endangered Species Act Status
Iowa Monarch Conservation Consortium: What if the monarch butterfly is listed as threatened? Understanding options with 4(d) rules
Farmers for Monarchs: ESA Listing Decision Toolkit

Photo by Ryan Balter on Unsplash

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Join the 29th annual Symbolic Monarch Migration!

4 September 2024 | Author: Monarch Watch

Symbolic Monarch Migration logoEvery year, thousands of paper monarchs fly south to Mexico alongside the real monarchs, though with a slightly different pathway. Monarch butterflies only weigh about 0.5 grams, and these paper ones are just as light. The paper butterflies are part of the Symbolic Monarch Migration, which connects students in Canada, the U.S., and Mexico to teach them about monarch butterflies and their annual migration. Students from Canada and the U.S. send paper butterflies to students in Mexico in the fall and learn all about the migration. The monarchs are brought to students in Mexico, along with letters from other students and lessons on monarch conservation. The monarchs are sent back north in the spring, ending up in different locations like the real monarch migration. Students learn not just about monarchs, but cooperation across countries, and it is a great opportunity to make new connections. Since the program took flight in 1996, more than 13,000 groups have participated, and more than half a million paper butterflies have followed the monarchs on their amazing long-distance migration. Just last year there were over 25,000 participating youth from the U.S. and Canada.

The Symbolic Monarch Migration has been coordinated by Ms. Susan Meyers since 2018. Ms. Meyers is one of our long-time Monarch Conservation Specialists. She is supported by a team of volunteers with Monarchs Across Georgia (MAG) which is a committee of the Environmental Education Alliance of Georgia. Ms. Meyers has been an advocate for monarchs ever since she visited the Mexican overwintering sites in 2003. Now, she uses her experience to facilitate educator workshops using the Monarchs & More curriculum, as well as incorporating community science projects like the Monarch Larva Monitoring Project, Journey North Tracking, Project Monarch Health, and the Monarch Watch tagging and Waystation programs. She has organized visits to the overwintering colonies since 2004 and initiated the Mexico Book Project to bring books written in Spanish to schools near the sanctuaries. She is currently a Georgia Master Gardener, Master Naturalist, and a certified Pollinator Steward with the Pollinator Partnership. Ms. Meyers was awarded the Conservation Partner Award for her work with monarchs at the 2015-16 Southeast Regional Director’s Honor Awards Ceremony, and she continues to play a big part today.

Ms. Estela Romero is another critical member of the Symbolic Monarch Migration team. As a certified English teacher living in Mexico, she acts as a key link for many collaborative programs. The Symbolic Monarch Migration was at first just an exchange of paper butterflies between students, but when Ms. Romero began delivering the butterflies to students in Mexico, she started teaching environmental lessons at the same time. Many of these students live in remote areas without good internet access. Ms. Romero brings together students in Mexico with those in the United States and Canada through her blog posts and school visits and expands her lessons beyond just monarchs. In total she visits over a thousand students in Mexico every year. She also has submitted countless reports to Journey North on the activity of monarchs at the overwintering colonies, documenting significant colony activity, weather events, and more through her writing and photos. Her contributions to monarch conservation have been invaluable.

Here’s how to get involved with the Symbolic Monarch Migration:

Purchase a Passenger Ticket

Passenger Tickets help cover the cost of the program, including school visits to Mexico to deliver the butterflies and provide conservation education. There should be one Passenger Ticket per Ambassador Folder, which is intended for roughly 30 participants. If you sign up as an Early Migrant, the fee is reduced from $20 to $15. Early Migrants must purchase their passenger ticket and mail their Ambassador Folder and life-sized butterflies by September 30th to receive the discount. You can purchase passenger tickets online at the EE Alliance’s Website. Be sure to visit the Symbolic Migration webpage for the full details and read through the Team Leader Packet for the 2024-25 season.

Supporting Activities

Check out the educational activities listed on the Journey North webpage! You can use the activities as a tool to help teach students about not just monarch butterflies, but also about ambassadorship and cooperation across countries. The list is not meant to be exhaustive, but to provide ideas on how best to approach the topic with students. Journey North also has tracking maps for monarchs and links to many other great resources.

Create an Ambassador Folder

Use one of the templates provided in the leader packet to create an Ambassador Folder or create a completely original design! Ambassador folders will hold the paper butterflies and letter sheet. Each Ambassador Folder should be personalized with decorations or a message to the students in Mexico. These folders will stay with the students in Mexico.

Make Life-Size Butterflies

You have access to a template in the leader packet to create paper butterflies for all the participants in your group. You may want to fill in information digitally and leave just the name blank for students to fill in. Please do not laminate them. These butterflies will travel to Mexico, but when they are sent north in the spring, they may not return to the same students, just as monarch butterflies may not fly the same path in the fall and spring. Leaders of each participating group should use the information on each butterfly to inform team leaders from other groups about where their butterflies ended up.

Fill out the Letter Sheet

Fill out the blanks in the letter sheet provided in the leader packet. Mark where you live and draw an arrow to show your monarchs’ migration path. You can also choose to add an extra group photo, postcard, or letter (letters should be written in Spanish).

Mail the Monarchs!

Put everything into the Ambassador Folder and mail your monarchs to the address below. Don’t forget to include a copy of your Passenger Ticket. Do not mail payments to this address. Payments can be made via credit card online or mailed to the address included on the online form.

Send a Monarch to Mexico!
c/o Symbolic Migration
1497 Candleberry Court SW
Lilburn, GA 30047 USA

Learn more about monarchs using the provided resources once you’ve sent your paper monarchs! They will be delivered to students in Mexico from November to March. You can check if your butterflies have arrived, as well as see the blog posts by Ms. Romero at the Symbolic Migration’s school visit webpage. Butterflies will return to the U.S. and Canada from April to May. These butterflies will not be the same ones you sent. Please contact the team leaders listed on each paper butterfly, as their students will be waiting to hear where their monarchs ended up.

Summarized Timeline

September 30th: Deadline for Early Migrants, including reduced fee.

October 18th: Final postmark deadline for mailing folders.

November-March: Butterflies are delivered to Mexico. See the website for updates and more monarch news.

April-May: Butterflies are sent back north to students. Please contact other team leaders directly to share news on where their butterflies landed.

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Monarch Population Status

20 August 2024 | Author: Chip Taylor

Tagging will tell

As you may recall, I posted three reports on the development of this years’ monarch population from 1March to 10 June to the Monarch Watch Blog (see below). I stopped reporting in early June due to the lack of meaningful monarch observations that can be used to track how the population is developing. There is weather data to work with, but the temperatures seemed ok so I ignored the rainfall which had already been excessive. That was a mistake. Rainfall, if it persists for days – and it did over wide areas – can make a difference by limiting the number of hours and days during which females can lay eggs. In other words, it can reduce realized fecundity because there are only so many days in a female’s life and there is no way to fully recover from time lost. This idea is covered in a paper by Zalucki and Rochester (2004). The overall effect of delayed and reduced oviposition in June would be a reduction in the number of second-generation adults that emerge in July, and that, in turn, could result in a reduction of the number of offspring that become third and fourth generation migrants in August and September.

Most of the monarchs in each migration originate from breeding areas north of 40N latitude – imagine a line from St Joseph, Missouri to Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. We have learned from recovered tags that timing of departure and geographic origin of each migrant largely determines whether it will reach the overwintering sites in Mexico. It’s important to be early, or at least on time, relative to the timing of migrations under average weather conditions. This migration could be late. The “tagging will tell”, but to assess lateness, we will need taggers to extend their tagging efforts as late as possible into the migration.

As most of you know, the size of the last generation is a function of the number of eggs laid from about 20 July to 5-10 August as well as the quality of the milkweeds and the weather. The adults from that oviposition typically emerge throughout August into early September. This year the emergence could be delayed due to a cold front that moved into the northern breeding area starting on the 4th of August. Overnight temperatures dipped into the 50s in many areas limiting the number of hours for larval development. It’s possible that development has been pushed back by at least 10 days. This means that monarchs that would normally be on the wing in early to mid-August are still larvae or pupae at this writing (19 August). Hopefully, that’s the case, and we are simply dealing with a late emergence and migration.

This has happened before. The temperatures in August 2004 in Minnesota and the Upper Midwest were the lowest in the 30year record. The migration was extraordinarily late and the number reaching Mexico was lower than expected. Again, tagging will tell if that outcome is duplicated during this migration.

Oh, and there is one more thing. Significantly higher-than-average September temperatures have occurred in 17 of the last 30 years and in 13 of those years, the population has decreased from that of the previous year. These high temperatures also delay migrations. Elevated September temperatures have occurred in 6 of the last 8 years and are becoming the new normal. Should such conditions occur again this September, those could also reduce the number of monarchs arriving at the overwintering sites.

Taylor, O. R. 2024. Monarch population development in 2024: Part 1.

Taylor, O. R. 2024. Monarch population development in 2024: Part 2.

Taylor, O. R. 2024. Monarch population development in 2024: Part 3.

Zalucki, M.P. & Rochester, W.A. (2004) Spatial and temporal population dynamics of Monarchs down-under: lessons for North America. The Monarch Butterfly: Biology and Conservation (ed. by K. Oberhauser and M. Solensky), pp. 219–228. Cornell University Press, Ithaca, New York.

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Monarch population development in 2024: Part 3

28 June 2024 | Author: Chip Taylor

The expectations were low at the beginning of this breeding season. The overwintering numbers were the second lowest in the record (0.9ha), and it was reasonable to expect low numbers of monarchs to return from Mexico in March. It was easy to envision that, like in 2013 (the lowest population recorded at 0.67ha), it would take several years for the population to recover. As expected, the early numbers of returnees were low, but they were early and that was a positive sign that the population might recover. That was followed by more positive sign of recovery in Part 2 and even more in the text that follows. At this date in the middle of June, it seems safe to say that the numbers indicate that the growth of the population this year is comparable to that of most populations since 2015. The recovery to this point is nothing short of extraordinary and is a testament to the monarch’s resilience. The question now is – what’s ahead?

We are 3.5 months into the breeding season at this writing (15 June). By my calendar, the breeding season starts on the first of March, the date the first monarchs returning from overwintering in Mexico cross the border into Texas. The breeding ends progressively southward in the fall as the declining angle of the sun at solar noon approaches and drops below 57 degrees. That means that reproduction all but ceases in the vicinity of Winnipeg (50N) in the first week of August but not until the first week of October at the latitude of San Antonio, TX. Since most of the monarchs that overwinter in Mexico originate from north of 40N, for the purpose of analysis, I use the first week of September as the end of the breeding season. So, in total, the breeding season is effectively 6 months in duration (7 months if we want to be more inclusive) and the monarchs are more than halfway through it with 2.5 months to go. This report is therefore all about the development of the population to this point as well as what we might expect in the next 2.5 months. In addition, because the migration begins at 50N in early August, and overlaps the breeding season until the first week of October, I will say a few words about what to expect during the migration.

Directional/migratory flight for this season has stopped based on our analysis of the link between day length and directional flight. That means colonization has stopped, it’s over and all sightings from here on are of monarchs that have already reached their northernmost latitude and easternmost longitude. So, how effective has this recolonization been and how does this year compare with others? There are several ways to judge these recolonizations. The spatial distribution is one feature, the numbers of sightings are another and the timings of the recolonizations are another. We might also look at the longitudinal distribution of all sighting through the colonization period. To all of those considerations, we can ask whether temperatures or other weather conditions influenced colonization. Let’s start with mapping.


First sightings recorded by Journey North 11 June 2024.


First sightings recorded by Journey North 13 June 2018.


These two maps look similar. In 2018, there were more sightings in Manitoba but fewer in the Maritimes than in 2024. The more important comparison is the Upper Midwest where there appear to have been more first sightings in 2024. But, it’s hard to tell. We have to dig deeper. I’ve used 2018 to compare with 2024 since the population in Mexico in that winter was 6.05 hectares, the largest population since 2006. So, the similarity is promising indeed. However, if one scans through all the maps of past years, they all look very similar – until you get back to the maps for 2013, 2014 and 2015 all of which show poor recolonization. This was the time of the previous low mark in the population with only 0.67ha measured in 2013.

First sightings recorded by Journey North 13 June 2013.


The recolonization in 2013 was numerically the lowest and latest in the first sighting record and it foretold the overwintering number. One point to make here is that the first sightings map and numbers for 2024 are far better than those of 2013-2015.

Numbers of sightings from 1 March through 9 June

The numbers that follow are rough. The number of people reporting first sighting has increased in recent years and I did not scan the records to eliminate duplicates or records west of the Rockies. Nevertheless, the numbers are of interest since they show the low recolonization in 2013 (552) and a rough similarity between 2018 (1739) and 2024 (1397). If we add one more year, for example 2021 with 2429 sightings and 2.83 hectares at the end of the season, it becomes clear that the number of sightings is only part of the story.

If we refine the numbers a bit by limiting the counts to the total sightings in the summer breeding regions north of 40N, we get the numbers summarized in Table 1. Again, we can see some similarities and differences of interest.

The number for 2013 (107) is low as expected and 2024 is similar to a number of years when we just consider the total through 9 June (2019, 2018, 2017). If we compare all sightings north of 40N, 2024 is similar to both 2022 and 2018.


There are two points that can be made here. First, the first sightings in 2024 are comparable in number to those of other years with relatively good overwintering numbers and second, they are far better than expected for a population with the second lowest number of wintering monarchs in the 30year record – and much better than from 2013-2015.

Distribution and timing

The connection between the distribution and timing of first sighting is summarized for 2013, 2014 and 2018 in Table 2. The overall pattern of colonization from west to east is similar for all years. The percentages of the first sightings before 21May were low for both 2013 and 2014 but much higher for 2018 (23%) and even higher for 2014 (55%). Low numbers and percentages in the first 20 days of May are associated with low fall migrations while the opposite hold for high numbers and percentages. This indicates that the timing and number of females starting the second generation has a role in determining the size of the third generation that becomes part of the migration. An early start to the second generation could, under the right conditions, lead to a fourth generation in some locations, and that could happen this year.

Table 2. Distribution of first sighting in 10-day intervals across longitudes quadrants (Q) from west to east for 2013, 2014 and 2018. The fourth quadrant (70W-65W) is not shown due to the low number of sightings. The timing and number of first sightings is critical. Low numbers and percentages in the first 20 days of May are associated with low migrations while high numbers sighted during the first 20 days of May usually signal large numbers of fall migrants. The third quadrant (Q3) tends to be colonized later than the first two quadrants as a result of the general movement of the spring migration to the northeast.



Monarch population development is largely a function of weather conditions that occur during the breeding season. That said, the upper limits to the size of the population are determined by the abundance, distribution and quality of the milkweed and nectar sources available.

With temperatures and precipitation, it is common to work with deviations from long-term means. However, a 4F deviation can be favorable or unfavorable to monarch development depending on the base. Generally, positive deviations in the spring favor rapid development of eggs, larvae and pupae, but, as I have pointed out elsewhere, high March temperatures can enable monarchs returning from Mexico to migrate too far north too soon. In this case, higher temperatures can have different effects on immatures and adults. However, during the migration northward in May by first generation monarchs, because the seasonal means are low, elevated temperatures during that month benefit the development of immatures and the northward migration by first generation adults. This May the mean temperatures favored growth and migration for the entire breeding range north of 40N (Table 3). These conditions contributed to an earlier colonization of the northern latitudes than seen in many years and an earlier start to the second generation.



The dive into the first sightings data to create these reports, has given me a deep appreciation of the value and utility of this 25-year record. I’ve identified two statistically significant trends in these data.

First, May temperatures in Minnesota are correlated with the percent of first sightings that occur in the last 10-day interval in the 40 days from 1 March through 9 June, p<0.0001. In this case, it is clear that low May temperatures delay recolonization while high temperatures enable earlier recolonization. This result has implications for the recolonizations of the highest latitudes and eastern Canada. In years during which the May temperatures in Minnesota or the Upper Midwest are low, it is likely monarch numbers throughout the breeding season will also be low throughout Canada (Taylor, 2023). Second, the total first sighting of monarchs that return from Mexico recorded in March and April in Texas and Oklahoma is correlated with the total first sightings of first-generation migrants recorded north of 40N before 10 June, p<0.0001. This means the number of first sightings of returning monarchs are a reasonably good predictor of the size of the first generation.


The weather conditions from June through August strongly influence the development of the second and third generations. In the Upper Midwest, the source of about 70% of the monarchs that reach Mexico (Taylor, et al., in prep), mean temperatures in excess of either +3F or -3F in July or August have a negative impact on population growth. High temperatures, especially if combined with low soil moisture, likely result in a reduction of lifespan, egg laying and larval survival, in effect, a reduction in what is known as realized fecundity. Low temperatures allow females to lay eggs over an extended interval but delayed development can expose immatures to predation for a longer interval and lengthen overall generation length. The overall effect is an older age to first reproduction for the next generation which would also tend smaller. These results are clear in the weather records for the last 30 years. The summers in 2004 and 2009 were too cold and the high mean temperature in July of 2012 (+5.3F) combined with drought conditions reduced the size of the migratory populations in those years.

The temperatures in the Upper Midwest this June have been close to the long-term average. Rainfall has been excessive in some areas of the Dakotas, Iowa and Minnesota which could have a negative impact. Excessive rainfall or intervals of more than three days that are too cold for feeding, mating and egg laying surely have a negative impact on growth but is difficult to assess.

The July forecast for the Upper Midwest is not as favorable and could be a problem since the mean temperature is projected to be +3F above the long-term average. This means the size of the third generation could pivot on the accuracy of this forecast. Temperatures substantially greater than +3F, could reduce the size of the fall migration. The conditions in August are seldom extreme, although there is often a carry-over from the conditions in July. July is crucial. We need to follow the conditions closely.

Once past July, the focus shifts to the temperatures and precipitation in August since they determine both the development of the third generation and start of the migration.

In recent years, high temperatures during the first 6 weeks of the migration from late August through September have slowed the pace of the migrations. These conditions are associated with lower-than-expected numbers of monarchs reaching the overwintering sites and that scenario could develop this year as well.

Droughts in Texas and Oklahoma in late September and October are always a concern. Last fall the extreme drought that extended from Oklahoma through most of Mexico had a strong impact on the number surviving the migration (Hobson et al., 2023). At the moment, drought is not widespread in Texas and whether a drought will develop by October is unclear, but it is something to watch for. Similarly, the conditions in Mexico are a concern since the drought that developed last year still persists along most of the path monarchs take to reach the overwintering sites.

Overall, the outlook is mixed. If the weather conditions in the Upper Midwest remain close to the long-term average through August, the migration could represent a remarkable recovery from a low overwintering population and a relatively small number of monarchs returning from Mexico. Further, if conditions are favorable through the migration, there is the possibility that the numbers this winter could represent the strongest recovery in the record. But, reaching that lofty goal will surely be out of reach if the drought conditions in Mexico persist into October.


Hobson, K., O. Taylor, M.I. Ramirez, R. Carrera-Treviño, J. Pleasants, R. Bitzer, K.A. Baum, B.X. Mora Alvarez, J. Kastens, and J.N. McNeil. 2023. Dynamics of stored lipids in fall migratory monarch butterflies (Danaus plexippus): Nectaring in northern Mexico allows recovery from droughts at higher latitudes. Conservation Physiology 11(1): coad087.

Taylor, O.R, 2023. Monarch Watch Blog. Monarchs: Reaching 50N and beyond.

Taylor O.R. Jr, Pleasants J.M., Grundel R., Pecoraro S.D., Lovett J.P., Ryan A., and C. Stenoien. (In prep) Geographic and temporal variation in monarch butterfly migration success.


This report would not have been possible without the long record of first sightings reported to Journey North (University of Wisconsin–Madison Arboretum) under the direction of Elizabeth Howard and later Nancy Sheehan. Janis Lentz assisted with the tabulation of the first sightings and Jim Lovett assisted with the layout and posting of this text.

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Monarch Population Dynamics: Issues of scale

28 June 2024 | Author: Chip Taylor

By Chip Taylor and John Pleasants

How big is the monarch population at the end of each breeding season? How many monarchs initiate the migration and how many successfully reach the overwintering sites in Mexico? The truth is, we don’t know the answer to these questions. To answer them, we need data. In this case, we only have the number tagged each fall and the number of tags recovered in Mexico and the estimate of the areas of forest occupied by monarchs in Mexico. Although the fact that the number tagged over the years is correlated with the size of the overwintering population (Taylor, et al, 2020) is helpful, it doesn’t tell us how many died during the migration. The proportion of those tagged that are recovered is only about 1% for all regions for all years, but the recovery rates based on latitude and longitude indicate that reaching Mexico is also a function of the flyway taken and the timing relative to the start of the migration. Size and sex are also factors (Taylor, et al, in prep). It’s complicated, but it is clear that mortality during the migration is substantial. What is needed is a fourth metric, specifically an estimate of the number of monarchs that died during the winter. There are two such data points in the record (Brower, et al, 2004) (Taylor, personal observations). Winter storms, the first in January 2002 and the combined storms in January and February 2004, killed an estimated 70% of the wintering population in 2002 and 65% in 2004. Both events yielded over 3000 recoveries (Table 1). These numbers have been used to calculate an average number of tags per hectare among the dead and remaining live monarchs. The number tagged was adjusted to account for handling mortality and the loss of tags due to improper placement. The new number represents the “tags at risk” (Table 1). Other adjustments were made to estimate the number that died but whose tags were not found. These combinations of known mortality and estimated deaths were used to estimate the numbers of monarchs that died during each of these migrations.

Table 1. Estimated mortality during monarch migrations based on the recovery of tags from monarchs killed during winter storms in early 2002 and 2004. The number tagged was reduced by 10% on the assumption that 5% of the tags are lost due to improper placement and another 5% are lost due to handling. Since not all tags are recovered due to off-site mortality and failure to find tags among the masses of dead monarchs, the tags not found was estimated to equal the number found. To calculate the number of tagged monarchs that reached the overwintering sites, the known number of tags in Mexico was added to the estimated number not found. That number represents the percentage of the tags at risk that reached Mexico, and the converse represents the percentage that failed to do so.


The goal of this exercise is to come up with a reasonable estimate of the total number of tagged monarchs that actually arrived at the overwintering sites. To reach this number, I made estimates of things that probably happen at some frequency but for which I have no direct evidence. For example, the tagging itself probably has a cost, to be safe, I have used an estimate of 5%. Similarly, I’ve estimated that 5% of the tags fall off during the migration due to improper placement. Those two estimates reduce the number of tags at risk (meaning available to reach Mexico). Those estimates are probably high, but the “at risk” number, being lower, favors a lower mortality percentage at the end of the calculation. In other words, this is a conservative estimate with respect to the number unaccounted for.

Assuming that all tags from dead monarchs are recovered is unrealistic. Some tagged monarchs die well away from the colonies, while on “streaming” flights in search of water. It is also unreasonable to expect those searching for tags to find all of them among the millions of dead butterflies that characterized these catastrophic events. Further, some sites were certainly searched more thoroughly than others. Those estimates are added to the tags accounted for to arrive at an estimate of the total number of tagged monarchs that reached the overwintering sites. Those totals, divided by the totals at risk, indicate that only 23.7 and 27.7% of the monarchs tagged in those seasons reached Mexico. In other, words 76.3 and 72.3% of the tagged monarchs are unaccounted for and presumably died, became lost or dropped out of the migration (Table1).

In summary, overestimations of tags that fall off, losses due to handling or tags not found at the overwintering sites, would suggest that mortality during the migration is higher than suggested in these calculations. Conversely, any estimation that indicates that more monarchs reached the overwintering sites than shown here, would lower the estimated mortality suggested in this treatment.

There is another way to estimate mortality that occurs during migrations. John Pleasants and I have discussed this issue several times. Here is John’s approach.

“In 2001 and 2003, 4.4% and 4.3% of tags were recovered. Let’s round to 5%. If we add in the estimate of tagged butterflies that are still alive, that brings the total accounted for to 7.7%. Let’s round to 8%. If 8% actually represents the minimum proportion of monarchs that make it to Mexico, that would mean that 92% failed to do so. It would also mean that every hectare with 20million monarchs represented the survivors of 250million that started the migration. Since overwintering number have averaged close to 3 hectares over the last 6 years, that would mean that roughly 750million monarchs head for Mexico each year.

However, 8% migration success is certainly an underestimate. Not all tagged monarch that die in Mexico are recovered. It’s likely that many die in areas that are not searched by local residents, and in a mass mortality year, with millions of butterflies to wade through the number of tags not recovered may be even greater. So, let’s double the 8% to 16% and round that up to 20% to make the calculations easier. That would mean that for every hectare of 20million butterflies, 100million started the journey. For an average year of 3 hectares that would be 300million starting the journey. In plain terms, 4 out of 5 monarchs fail to reach the overwintering sites.”

So, why is it important to understand the scale of the monarch population and the size of the migration? First, because the population on the move each fall, though it might be smaller than in the past when more habitat was available, is still quite large and it’s appropriate to ask what the human threats are to this population. Are they of a scale that requires that human contact with monarchs has to be regulated? The title for this text could have been Monarch Population Biology: Myths and Exaggerations. Without any data defining the scale of human activities or data on negative effects due to those activities, we have been told not to plant certain milkweeds because they will cause monarchs to break diapause and not migrate, or if raised on them they will not migrate. Neither are true. Tags from monarchs reared on the target milkweeds have been collected in Mexico. We are warned that rearing will lead to inbreeding and a weakening of the population. Given that rearing involves 1-2 generations for most who rear monarchs and that females mate multiple times such that serial paternity is the dominant form of reproduction, that’s nonsense. Selection works. It eliminates the unfit. We also hear that breeding will promote the propagation of the protozoan disease, O.e., that kills many emerging pupae, weakens adults and reduces their chance of surviving the migration. On this point, there is data that O.e. has negative effects (Majewska, et al, 2022), but the assumption that rearing leads to the release of a large number of O.e. infected and infested adults is unsupported by data. Many who rear monarchs claim they go to significant lengths to eliminate O.e. It’s not difficult. In the wild, the incidence of O.e. is the function of frequency and density-dependent interactions between monarchs and milkweeds that vary spatially and temporally (Taylor, 2022). To me, these are non-problems, or small-scale issues that can be managed. Regulation of human activities with respect to monarchs makes absolutely no sense. It’s a scale issue.

Human activities, other than habitat destruction, are trivial relative to the size of the migratory population. To make that point, let’s visit some of John’s numbers. We know that about 80,000 wild and reared butterflies are tagged each year. We don’t know the number reared and released but not tagged. The number is probably greater than 100,000 but how much greater is uncertain. For perspective, let’s assume the number is 220,000 which when added to the numbers tagged brings the total to 300,000. If 300 million is the average starting migratory population, 300,000 represents only 0.1% of the starting population. Insignificant indeed, even if all 300,000 died.

The big problem in monarch conservation is habitat loss (see refs in Taylor, 2024). We are losing grasslands at a rate of about a million acres a year and other land-use changes involving the growth of cities may also involve a million acres. Although milkweed restoration is underway on many fronts, there are no indications these efforts come close to matching the annual losses (Taylor, 2024).

The three r’s are critical in the evaluation of the status of species being considered for listing (Taylor, 2023). To avoid listing, data are required to show that a species is “resilient”, that is being able to recover rapidly from low numbers; “redundant” which refers to the ability to recover from catastrophic mortality and show “representation” which reflects both the role in the community and the ability to adapt to new conditions. There is ample data showing that monarchs are resilient, redundant, and adaptive. The monarch fits these criteria and no justification has emerged in the literature or in public discussions for listing the monarch as endangered or threatened. Those who study monarchs have not been consulted. A vast literature on monarchs has appeared in the last 4-5 years. We know more now about how the population functions from some of these publications and other writings, but this literature also contains a number of publications that promote interpretations based on an inadequate understanding of monarch biology. It would indeed be unfortunate if the status of monarchs were based on the interpretations in some of these publications.

There seems to be an implicit assumption that listing monarchs as threatened will benefit monarch conservation, but no path forward has been defined. There are no assurances that congress will provide funds for habitat restoration. Further, there seems to be no recognition that, within the habitat available. the year-to-year size of the eastern monarch population is determined by weather – which is most certainly independent of and unresponsive to regulations. Putting government regulations between monarchs and those who advocate for this species seems more likely to have a negative rather than positive impact on monarch conservation.


Brower, et al, 2004. Catastrophic winter storm mortality of monarch butterflies in Mexico during January 2002. In K.S. Oberhauser and M.J. Solensky, eds., The monarch butterfly: Biology and conservation, pp151-166. Ithaca.

Majewska, A. A., Davis, A. K., Altizer, S. & de Roode, J. C. (2022). Parasite dynamics in North American monarchs predicted by host density and seasonal migratory culling. Journal of Animal Ecology, 91, 780–793.

Taylor, O.R. Jr., Pleasants. J.M., Grundel, R., Pecoraro, S.D., Lovett, J.P. and A. Ryan. 2020. Evaluating the Migration Mortality Hypothesis Using Monarch Tagging Data. Front. Ecol. Evol. 8:264.

Taylor, O.R. 2022. Monarchs, milkweeds and O. e.: It’s time for a more holistic approach. Monarch Watch Blog.

Taylor, O.R. 2023. Species Status Assessment and the three r’s. Monarch Watch Blog.

Taylor, O.R., 2024. Is the eastern monarch population continuing to decline? Monarch Watch Blog.

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Monarch population development in 2024: Part 2

23 May 2024 | Author: Chip Taylor


The report that follows is a rough attempt to assess the prospects that the monarch population will recover from the historically low number of hectares recorded for all the overwintering sites last winter (0.9ha). As you may recall, in Monarch population development in 2024: Part 1, there were no clear signs in the data that the population would increase, decrease or remain relatively the same. There were both positive and negative signs. The timing of the return from Mexico was early relative to most years. Early establishment of the population is favorable, and in this case, it led to a long oviposition period in Texas at a time when the temperatures favored rapid development of eggs, larvae and pupae. The negative signs were that the numbers returning to Texas in March were not only lower than those of last spring but were lower than those in the spring of 2013, a recolonization that resulted in the lowest overwintering number in the record.

We are now another month into the breeding season, and the picture is becoming a little clearer, and a bit more positive. In this report, I will examine more of the first sighting data for this spring and will compare these data with those from other years. In addition, I will illustrate one way of assessing how the movement of first generation into the northern latitudes over the next six weeks determines the size and geographic distribution of the fall migratory population.

The stage specific model I’m developing is based on the premise that the number and timing of adult monarchs entering a stage together with the weather and sometimes, but more rarely, the role of predators, parasites and pathogens, determines the number of adult monarchs entering the next stage (or generation). The challenge is to identify data that defines timing and number along with inferences about the effects of weather. Such inferences are derived from a less-than-ideal understanding of how temperatures and soil moisture affect monarchs and the plant resources they depend on. Comparisons of weather and outcomes over the last 30 years help define these relationships. Since seasonal dynamics often determine the abundance of predators and parasites that in turn affect monarch numbers, it is possible to infer greater or lesser monarch mortality due to these factors under some conditions. Data are always better than inference, but inference can be useful if an inferred cause and effect relationship is consistent through time.

The narrative that follows is based on the timing and number of monarchs returning from Mexico, the weather, and in this case, a real possibility the survival of monarch eggs and larvae was higher in March compared to most years due to a relatively low number of predators and parasites. The data for 2024 will be compared with those of 2013, a recolonization that was followed by the lowest overwintering number in the record and 2014, a year of recovery from the all-time low.

Timing, numbers and weather

The temporal distributions for first sightings in March and April are shown in Figure 1. The numbers sighted for 2024 are a bit lower than the number tallied for 2013 but, given the dependency of sightings on weather and probably weekends when more observations are made, these records are similar. The difference is the earlier arrival of monarchs in March this year than in 2013. Earlier arrivals should be beneficial for a number of reasons as discussed below.

Weather, in this case temperature, is a factor in determining both the mean age to first reproduction for the first-generation cohort and the length of exposure to predators and parasites. Above average March temperatures in Texas can be favorable unless daytime highs and southwesterly winds enable monarchs to move too far north too soon as in 2012 and 2017. Moving into areas where the temperatures are lower in subsequent weeks, or before the milkweed has emerged, has a negative effect on population growth. The comparison of temperatures for March and April of 2024 and 2013 (Table 1) doesn’t explain the late arrival distribution in 2013 but does support the premise that lower temperatures slowed the growth of the population that year.

Figure 1. Distribution of first sightings in Texas in March and April by 5day intervals for the years indicated. 65% by 20 Mar 2024 vs 39% for 2013; Totals 96 vs 113.


Table 1. Deviations from average temperatures (F) in March and April for Texas and Oklahoma in 2024 and 2013.

Temperature mediated latitudinal egg distribution

The concept indicated by this heading is based on the observation that temperature mediates the northward movement of monarchs and therefore the latitudinal distribution of eggs by females returning from Mexico. Whether the distribution of eggs into more northerly latitudes is beneficial or not depends on the temperatures that follow the interval during which most of the egg laying occurred. If the females advance too far north in April, as they did in 2012 and 2017, colder temperatures at higher latitudes can slow the development of immatures and slow the development of the population. In contrast, movement and egg laying by females into areas that experience warmer than average temperatures result in faster development of eggs, larvae and pupae and faster population growth. More rapid development also reduces exposure to predators and parasites and therefore higher average rates of reproductive success per female.

As you can see in Table 1, the temperatures in 2024 in March and April were higher for both Texas and Oklahoma while the comparable temperatures for 2013 were near or lower than the long-term average. The low temperature in April 2013 in Oklahoma likely lengthened the development of the first generation which contributed to the later colonization of the summer breeding ground north of 40N as seen in Figure 2. The influence of temperature on the latitudinal distribution of females and eggs is evident in the strong contrast between 2024 and 2013. The total March/April first sightings for Texas and Oklahoma was 159 and of these 40% were in Oklahoma. In 2013, the respective total was 122 of which only 4% were in Oklahoma.

Have monarchs benefited from a temporal disconnect between predator and parasite populations and their prey?

Surviving as a population, and sometimes even as a species, involves consistently producing more offspring than are lost to predators, parasites and sometimes pathogens – the consumer species. There is usually some sort of quasi balance between the prey and those that feed them such that the prey seldom attain outbreak numbers. But that does happen, and in the case of some butterflies, the cause appears to be a factor (or factors) that reduces the consumer numbers. Relative to the prey species, the consumer species tend to have longer breeding cycles, fewer generations and lower reproductive rates. Low numbers in the consumer populations mean that the prey lose fewer offspring, and with high reproductive rates, their populations can grow rapidly outpacing the growth of the consumer populations. These conditions can lead to massive “outbreaks” that often involve emigrations and migrations by species that are generally “held in check” by consumers. A clear example of this dynamic occurred in the spring of 2012 when 16 species of butterflies common to Texas disbursed or migrated northward through Kansas and beyond. In the case of red admirals (Vanesa atalanta), massive numbers created headlines along the path as they migrated well into northeastern Canada.

This multispecies outbreak in Texas followed the historic seven-month drought in 2011 that ended in Sept of that year. Seven months of rain followed. It’s likely that the drought knocked back the predators and parasites by the end of the drought and that they did not recover their numbers in the cooler months that followed. The rains, however, allowed the vegetation to recover including that of the host plants of a number of butterfly species such as false nettle – Boehmeria cylindrica – the main host for the red admiral in southern latitudes. Evidently the combination of lush host plants and low numbers of predators and parasites allowed the red admirals to build up rapidly in February and March leading to the migration in early April. Similar conditions, but less severe, and slightly different, occurred this spring. In January, two sweeps of freezing temperatures that extended well into Mexico probably reduced predator and parasite numbers over wide areas. Those events were followed by widespread rainfall and good plant growth, and once again, red admiral numbers soared leading to a rapid expansion of the population well into Canada and the northern states in the first three weeks of April.

Since many of the consumer species that attack red admirals also feed on monarch larvae, it’s reasonable to hypothesis that the welfare of the red admiral population is a positive sign that monarch larvae suffered fewer losses to predators in March than is usually the case. Further support for this hypothesis became apparent later in April through reports of three other Texas butterflies (buckeyes, American painted ladies and orange sulfurs) moving north in greater than typical numbers. Thus, it seems likely that monarchs have also benefited from a temporal disconnect between predator and parasite populations allowing the production of a larger than expected (based on first sightings alone) first generation – a generation that is rapidly colonizing the summer breeding areas north of 40N at this writing (3 May).

Colonization of the summer breeding area by first generation monarchs in May and early June

The offspring of the monarchs that return from Mexico start emerging and moving northward in mid to late April. This migration by first generation monarchs continues until the 12th of June at 50N. Directional flight ceases at that time (Note 1.). Once again, the timing and number of monarchs arriving at latitudes north of 40N (and across the longitudes from west to east) by the 10th or so of June largely determines the size of the migratory population in the fall. In 2013, few monarchs were sighted before the 20th of May across all longitudes and the overall number arriving was low (Table 2). This late start to summer breeding led to a small migratory population and the lowest overwintering number recorded to date (0.67ha). In 2014, the numbers returning from Mexico were higher and the conditions for the development of a large first generation were more favorable. These conditions led to a larger migratory population and a significant increase in the overwintering numbers (from 0.67ha to 1.13ha). As of the 2nd of May this year, the colonization of the northern latitudes is off to a good start with at least 22 recorded north of 40N relative to only 2 in 2013, 1 in 2014 and even 3 in 2018 – the year with the largest population in recent years (6.05ha) (Fig 3A, B, C, D). An additional 40 sightings were recorded through 7 May making the recolonization this year one of the three earliest in the 24year record. If the arrival of first-generation monarchs continues at this pace for the next two weeks, there is a strong possibility the overwintering population will more than double this coming winter (Table 3). Still, it’s early and there are a lot of “ifs” to consider.

Table 2. Distribution of first sighting in 10day intervals across longitudes quadrants (Q) from west to east for 2013, 2014 and 2018. The fourth quadrant (70W-65W) is not shown due to the low number of sightings. The timing and number of first sightings is critical. Low numbers and percentages in the first 20 days of May are associated with low migrations while high numbers sighted during the first 20 days of May usually signal large numbers of fall migrants.


Table 3. Number of hectares in the previous winter for the year designated followed by the number of first sightings in Texas in March and April and the total first sightings for all areas as of the 2 of May. The number sighted north of 40N before 2 May along with the number sighted after 2May are indicated. The percentage of all sightings recorded for 1 May through 9 June are given for 2013 and 2014. The 62 sightings north of 40N for this year through 7 May represents an early recolonization by a relatively large number of first-generation females. These data were gleaned from Journey North. Where necessary, duplicate records and sightings from MX, CA and AZ and those with non-monarch images were subtracted from the raw totals.


Figure 3. A. (below left) 2 May 2013 N=214 OW=0.67 B. (below right) 2 May 2014 N= 313 OW=1.13


C. (below left) 2 May 2024 N=359 OW=? D. (below right) 2 May 2018 N=644 OW=6.05


What can go wrong after the spring migrations end in June?

I have examined the weather conditions for the breeding season and migration since 1994. During the last 30 years, the population increased from one year to the next during 14 years and declined in 16. Two factors during the summer breeding season appear to determine population growth while two factors during the migration appears to influence the number of monarchs reaching the overwintering sites in Mexico.

For the breeding season, the temperatures and rainfall during June through August for the Upper Midwest are usually close to the long-term averages (22/30 = 73%), but there have been extremes conditions that appear to have reduced the size of the fall migration and the overwintering numbers. These negative conditions and the years in which they occurred are listed below. The years tallied below are from a spreadsheet that is the basis for the next Blog article – “The curvilinear monarch”.

Droughts and or extremely high temperatures from June through August in the Upper Midwest: 1995T, 2003P, 2012TP, 2020T, 2023P.

Extremely low summer temperatures: 2004 and 2009.

During the fall migration, extreme conditions such as droughts in Texas and higher than average September temperatures are both associated with lower numbers of monarchs reaching the overwintering sites. These events are common having occurred in 18 of the last 30years (60%). There have been only 13 years in the last 30 in which neither of these extreme events occurred, the population increased in 9 of these years but declined in 4 apparently due to other strong negative events. The frequency of years with high temperatures in September appears to be increasing.

Droughts in TX in October: 1999, 2000, 2011, 2015, 2019, 2022, 2023.

Higher than average temperatures from the start of the migration in early August at 50N to the end of September as the migration enters OK: 1998, 2002, 2004, 2005, 2009, 2013, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2023.

Looking forward, there is a good chance the population will increase during this breeding season and migration from an overwintering population 0.9ha to over 2ha – if the conditions from June through October are close to the long-term average. Negative events occur in about 60% of the years and the incidence of such events is increasing. It is often the strength of a negative event that determines the difference between one year and another.


This report would not have been possible without the long record of first sightings reported to Journey North under the direction of Elizabeth Howard and later Nancy Sheehan. Janis Lentz assisted with the tabulation of the first sightings and Jim Lovett assisted with the layout and posting of this text.

Note 1. Those readers interested in why monarchs “appear” to abandon directional flight in the early summer might find the following post interesting and challenging:

Note 2. For a discussion of how low temperatures in May and early June can limit the number of first-generation monarchs reaching Canada, please see:

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Jennie Brooks of Lawrence, Kansas: Her early contributions to monarch science

20 April 2024 | Author: Chip Taylor

by Chip Taylor, Founding Director, Monarch Watch

It is easy to forget how we came to know what is known today about monarchs. Our understandings of how the world works often have long and convoluted histories that include fundamental misunderstandings, unsupported interpretations and sometimes unintended consequences. These paths to discovery occur within a background of political history, prior knowledge, cultural biases and economic conditions – and so it was, and is, with monarchs.

Lincoln Brower detailed how we came to understand the migration and biology of the monarch in a 1995 paper entitled “Understanding and misunderstanding the migration of the monarch butterfly in North America, 1857-1995.” The story starts with the writings of naturalists and lepidopterists in the mid 1800s, the start of entomology as a science and later a period in which the public became interested in natural history. The account eventually leads to the recruitment of volunteers by Fred and Nora Urquhart to answer the question of where monarchs spend the winter – a quest that led to the “discovery” of overwintering sites in Mexico by Ken and Cathy (now Trail) Brugger. It’s a fascinating tale best understood if the reader reflects on the general state of knowledge in those times and the conditions of travel and communication. The pace of change was slower then.

Although I knew much of the monarch backstory, I was surprised to learn from Brower’s text of Jennie Brooks, a Lawrence, Kansas resident, who in 1907, was the first person to publish a detailed description of the formation and breakup of an overnight monarch roost, the first to photograph a monarch cluster and the first to propose that monarchs overwintered in Mexico. I could relate. I knew Jennie’s neighborhood and having lived in Lawrence since 1969; I had seen many over-night monarch roosts. Having founded Monarch Watch in 1992, and after reading Brower’s article, I came to realize that in a sense I was following Jennie’s lead while validating her hypothesis with the aid of thousands of monarch taggers.

I was brought back to thinking about Jennie Brooks recently by Jeanne Klein, a retired KU professor, who volunteers as a Master Gardener at Monarch Watch’s Monarch Waystation #1. She researches and writes about Lawrence history and came across Jennie Brooks’ connection to monarchs and many natural history writings. Jeanne has written a long account about Jennie. The section that deals with monarchs is included here.

Jennie Brooks and Monarch Migrations in Lawrence, Kansas
by Jeanne Klein

Jennie Brooks (1853-1934), a part-time resident of Lawrence, Kansas from 1905 to 1910, was a devoted nature lover and prolific magazine writer. In mid-September 1906, she experienced a miraculous sight in the expansive front yard of her home at 1300 Haskell Ave. As she wrote, “I had been only three days in Kansas, and, lo! a migration of butterflies.” From 4:00 p.m. until after 6:00 p.m., she observed, described, and detailed swarms of monarch butterflies fluttering among milkweed plants and then hanging from the lower branches of elm, maple, spruce, and pine trees in the yard. Having decided to spend the night outdoors, she continued to study the monarchs’ behaviors and, at dawn, saw “fully two thousand wings [rise up] through the highest treetops, to the south—to the south! . . . [and all the way] to Mexico.” In this way, Jennie Brooks became the first person to theorize that monarch butterflies migrate to Mexico, as detailed in her touted 1907 article, “A Night with the Butterflies.”1


As Lincoln B. Brower wrote in 1995, her essay “was the first detailed description of the monarch’s clustering behavior during the fall migration. She combined elegant prose, high quality observation, counts of monarchs in the cluster, and actual experimental manipulation. No one before or since has so fully documented watching the quiescent monarchs all night long, their reaction to the rising sun, cluster break-up, and resumption of the southward migration.”2 Mrs. Maria Martin, her African American domestic servant, also witnessed this migration with Miss Brooks and declared, “‘Dat ain’t nothin’ new, Missy! I dun seed ’em a power o’ times swingin’ in de trees by de run!”3

Thrilled by her experience, Brooks consulted Francis H. Snow, a long-time professor of natural history and former chancellor of the University of Kansas. She astonished him by bringing him two monarchs. Back in 1875, Snow had catalogued 77 species of butterflies found in Douglas County, although apparently, he had not located nor listed monarchs by their Latin name, Anosia (now Danaus) plexippus, in the Nymphalidae family. He did however find their look alike mimic, the Archippus or Viceroy butterfly, that also feeds on milkweed plants.4 To satiate her demand for more knowledge, Snow and his biology students supplied Brooks with numerous books, including one by Samuel H. Scudder, who had named and described monarchs in 1875.5

Three years later, Brooks’ brief sketch, “A Butterfly Flitting,” recounted a second migration of monarchs in her yard in mid-September 1909. By regarding them as “distinguished visitors,” she considered their selection of her cedar tree “a mark of special favor.” Again, she included photographs taken at night with her Kodak camera and a flashlight on the same cedar (Eastern juniper) tree.6


Jennie Brooks’ unique discoveries about monarchs’ fall migrations and her detailed accounts of their behaviors in Lawrence, Kansas deserve to be more widely known and credited by Monarch Watch enthusiasts across North America and Mexico. Each time you see a flitting monarch butterfly in the fall, remember Jennie Brooks and imagine monarchs’ extraordinary migrations “to the south—to the south!”

© Jeanne Klein 2024

1. Quoted in “A Night with the Butterflies,” Harper’s Monthly June 1907: 108-11. This article is available online in her book, Under Oxford Trees (Cincinnati: Jennings and Graham, 1911), at details/underoxfordtrees00broo/page/10/mode/2up.

2. Quoted in Lincoln B. Brower, “Understanding and Misunderstanding the Migration of the Monarch Butterfly (Nymphalidae) in North America, 1857-1995,” Journal of the Lepidopterists’ Society 49(4), 1995: 312.

3. Quoted in Jennie Brooks, “Migration Among the Butterflies,” Western Christian Advocate, June 5, 1912: 14, her third article on monarchs.

4. F. H. Snow, “Catalogue of the Lepidoptera [butterflies and moths] of Eastern Kansas,” Transactions of Kansas Academy of Science 4 (1875), 29-63. The Dyche Museum of Natural History does have one of Snow’s monarch specimens (#1561197) in its entomology collection found in the county with no date. The mention of milkweeds as a host for the viceroy is incorrect. The larvae feed on willows and cottonwoods.

5. In her 1907 article, Brooks quoted from Scudder’s Frail Children of the Air: Excursions Into the World of Butterflies (New York: Houghton Mifflin, 1895), 53-55. Carl Linnaeus, the first author to consistently use binomial nomenclature, described the monarch in the 10th edition of his Systema Naturae in 1758.

6. “A Butterfly Flitting,” Country Life in America, August 1, 1911, 48. Her second photograph was published in Howard J. Shannon, “Insect Migrations as Related to Those of Birds,” Scientific Monthly 3(3) (Sept., 1916): 238. Note that this photograph was published upside down. The Lawrence World (January 30, 1909) reported that Brooks discussed “The Butterflies” for the local Review Club, “which appeared in a recent McClure’s Magazine,” but this article has not been found.

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Monarch population development in 2024: Part 1

2 April 2024 | Author: Chip Taylor

As most of you reading this know, the estimate of the number of monarchs overwintering in Mexico this past winter was a mere 0.9hectares, the second lowest in the record that began in 1994. Low numbers have again triggered concerns about the viability of the eastern monarch migration and given rise to a number of questions. Why did the population decline from 2022 to 2023? Will the population recover? How long might recovery take? What is the extinction threshold for the eastern monarch population? These are just a few of the relevant questions. In various posts to this Monarch Watch Blog, I have pointed out that monarch numbers have been low at many times in the past and have recovered. In fact, they are remarkably resilient due to their high reproductive rate and ability to find even scarce host plants and nectar sources. I have claimed that, as a species whose numbers are driven by weather, all that monarchs need in the coming months and years is favorable weather. Since we are in a period in which temperatures and droughts appear to be increasing, my assurances have not quieted concerns. To be sure, there is no way to control the weather, but I’m getting closer to understanding how weather influences the development of the monarch population each year. In the following text, I’m going to describe three data-based “tells” that I have been using to determine how well the population is developing each year. These indicators only suggest whether the population will increase or decrease. There is no precision here, but even knowing trends that provide an indication of outcomes is useful.

Early season indicators of population development

I use three indicators, the timing and number of monarchs reported in Texas from 1-30March, total monarchs reported in Texas in March and April and the total monarchs reported N of 40N for all longitudes from 100W to 65W. This report covers the first interval. The second report will follow in early May and the third in mid-June. The first two reports only feature sightings in Texas since the I-35 corridor is the gateway for monarchs to reach the Upper Midwest, the area that produces the majority of monarchs that reach the overwintering sites each winter. How the population develops in Texas in March and April has a significant impact on the size of the fall population.

About the data

The data represent sightings of adult monarchs from Journey North and iNaturalist data sets. In the case of Journey North, “vetting” the data required elimination of double and triple entries for what appeared to represent a single butterfly (N>10). iNaturalist records required the elimination of many images of eggs, larvae and pupae. Some images were not included in the counts since they appeared to represent reared monarchs. Records with good photo resolution indicated that 12-19% of the butterflies had recently emerged and surely had not originated from the overwintering colonies in Mexico. In the records for 2024, the origins of the newly emerged monarchs are not clear since few monarchs appeared to have survived the two January cold fronts with freezing conditions that swept into Texas and even northern Mexico. No attempt was made to eliminate these butterflies from the counts since it was impossible to assign a number of the images as either new or old. Duplicate entries appear to be a minor problem for both data sets. The data for Journey North are summarized in Table 1.

Table 1. The relationship between first sightings in Texas, total first sightings in March and April and the percentage of first sighting in March to the mean temperatures in March and the number of days with temperatures >70F.


The good news

Let’s start with the good news. In the 1-30March period, 84% of the first sightings reported to Journey North occurred by the 20th (Figure 1). That’s early relative to all other years from 2010-2023, except 2012 (Figures 2 and 3). Early arrival favors population development since it assures, in most years, that there is a long oviposition interval before the monarchs push on to Oklahoma and beyond. The higher temperatures early in March also favor more rapid development of larvae and the possibility of outpacing the growth of the populations of the many parasites and predators that prey on monarch eggs and larvae.

Early arrival also favors a Texas-biased latitudinal egg distribution profile. Population growth is favored when the majority of eggs are laid at the lower latitudes where the temperatures are warmer, as pointed out above. You can imagine the egg distribution as a decay function where the tail of the distribution is long or short depending on the distance monarchs advance in March and April. In this case, population growth is favored when the tail on that distribution is short since the warmer temperatures assure that the first-generation cohort will have a lower average age to reproduction than a distribution that extends into colder regions and longer development times. That distribution has a short tail this year. There were only 4 first sightings in Oklahoma in the Journey North records as of the 28th of March and 9 during the following two days. March temperatures were closer to the long-term averages this year than in many recent years.

Figure 1. Distribution of March and April first sightings for 2024, in progress. Data from Journey North.

Figure 2. Distribution of March and April first sightings for 2013 and 2015. Data from Journey North.

Figure 3. Distribution of March and April first sightings for 2012 and 2023. Data from Journey North.

The latest rabbit hole

I have fallen into many a rabbit hole in the course of trying to understand weather and monarchs. Here is the latest one – the relationship of the sightings of monarchs returning from Mexico to temperatures, specifically to the number of days in which the temperatures reach at least 70F. The choice of 70F is arbitrary. I could have chosen any number between 68-72 and would have obtained similar results, but 70F works because that temperature and higher puts monarchs on the wing and visible to observers. The following graphs (Figure 4) represent the March temperature records for Dallas, Texas for the years indicated. The Dallas records were obtained from Weather Underground since that site provides daily and monthly records. The means shown for Dallas in Table 1 are similar to the monthly means for the state of Texas. The number of days with temperatures above 70F for the month and for just the first 10 days of March are also shown in Table 1. The differences between the years with higher-than-average March temperatures, 2012, 2023 and 2024, and those with lower-than-average temperatures, 2013 and 2015, are striking. Temperatures have an effect on the percentage of the March-April first sightings recorded in March (2012 and 2023 vs 2013 and 2015) Table 1.

Figure 4. Graphic representations for the March temperatures in Dallas for the years indicated (see Table 1). Source: Weather Underground: Historical Weather

The bottom line


As shown in the data assembled here, March temperatures are important for several reasons. First, they determine the timing of the recolonizations across the latitudes represented in Texas, they influence that rate of egg development and the growth of larvae and lastly, March temperatures retard or enable colonization of more northerly latitudes.

The numbers

There are two questions about the number of first sightings at this point: were fewer monarchs sighted in the first thirty days of March this year compared to last year? and how do the numbers compare with the first sighting to this point in 2013? It is reasonable to expect the numbers sighted this year vs last year to be lower due to the relative size of the respective overwintering populations (2.21ha vs 0.9ha). As expected, the numbers reported to iNaturalist are lower with 266 in 2023 and 199 in 2024 or 75% this year relative to last. The iNaturalist differences are much smaller than expected. Chuck Patterson of Driftwood, Texas reported similar results. Each of the last two years Chuck and his wife have counted each monarch seen and each egg found on their daily walks in March. The totals were 61 in 2023 and 34 (56%) this March and the egg count was 541 vs 461 (85%). So that’s clear, the numbers are down from last year, but are higher than expected due to the differences between the overwintering numbers. But how to the numbers this year compare to those of 2013, the year with the lowest overwintering numbers? To answer this question, we only have data from Journey North. Here the record is less clear because, as shown in Table 1 and in Figures 1-4, the first sightings in March are strongly influenced by temperature with high temperatures early in the month resulting in early sightings and colder temperatures, as in 2015, delaying the arrivals, or at least the sightings. If we compare the first sightings for 2024 vs 2013, it’s 74 vs 64, but that difference is so small it could simply be due to how temperatures influenced the number of sightings. We will have to wait to see if the number at the end of April is similar to the to the 113 total reported in 2013. Even if the final number is lower, the early arrivals this year and the longer oviposition period in Texas might offset the effects of lower numbers arriving from Mexico. Demography is complicated. Stay tuned.


This report would not have been possible without the assistance of the many citizens who have reported their sightings and visual records to Journey North and iNaturalist. The administrators and funders of both programs have done a marvelous job of providing data that can be used to answer the many questions that linger about monarchs and other wildlife. The Journey North records assembled by Elizabeth Howard and continued by Nancy Sheehan represent both stability and change over the last 26 years. It is a remarkable archive. iNaturalist is relatively new, but by virtue of photographs and a large number of qualified identifiers together with a remarkable website, it is destined to document much of the change that tracks the responses of wildlife, including many lesser-known species, to the coming changes in weather and climate.

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