Monarch Watch Blog

Archive for the ‘Monarch Population Status’ Category

Monarch Population Status

10 July 2010 | Author: Chip Taylor

If you have been following the news about monarch populations over the last 8 months, you know that the 2009 overwintering monarch population in Mexico covered a forest area of only 1.92 hectares. This figure represents an all ...

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Monarch Population Status

12 May 2010 | Author: Chip Taylor

Abstract Monarchs are off to a good start and the population should increase modestly from now until the fall migration, assuming normal temperatures for the remainder of the breeding season. While an increase is likely, we still don’t have ...

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Post-Storm Status of the Monarch Colonies in Mexico

2 March 2010 | Author: Chip Taylor

In previous blog posts we have described the conditions during the breeding season that resulted in a small migratory population, provided the report from Eduardo Rendón (WWFMexico) indicating that the overwintering population was at an all time low (1.92 hectares), ...

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Monarch Population Status

19 February 2010 | Author: Chip Taylor

The last year has been tough on monarchs. Hotter than normal conditions for returning monarchs in the spring of 2009, followed by the fourth coldest summer since 1928 in the breeding areas and less than optimal conditions during ...

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Monarch Population Status

18 January 2010 | Author: Chip Taylor

Each December Eduardo Rendón from the World Wildlife Fund Mexico and a team of biologists search for and measure each monarch overwintering colony - those within the Monarch Butterfly Biosphere Reserve (MBBR) and those outside this area as well. ...

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Monarch Population Status

20 October 2009 | Author: Chip Taylor

Remember “Goldilocks and the Three Bears”? It’s a great story for kids and I’ve started to use the essence of the story to explain the ups and downs of monarch numbers. This metaphorical usage all started when I was talking ...

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Monarch Population Status

5 September 2009 | Author: Chip Taylor

As many of you know, the fall monarch migration is well underway. In July when I wrote the text for the Premigration Newsletter (available for download at it was already clear that the fall migration would be modest and ...

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Monarch Population Status

21 July 2009 | Author: Chip Taylor

The number of migrating monarchs this fall should be similar to those observed in each of the last three years and the total area occupied by monarchs at the overwintering sites in Mexico should once again be close to five ...

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Monarch Watch Trip to Mexico (overview)

9 March 2009 | Author: Chip Taylor

We have just returned from our annual trip to Mexico to purchase tags recovered at the overwintering sites. This is just a brief overview of the trip - a more detailed report will be posted soon. We purchased about 1,000 tags ...

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Monarch Population Status

8 January 2009 | Author: Chip Taylor

It is the season at Monarch Watch when the mailbox is full of tagging datasheets. Many of the datasheets are arriving with returned tags along with short notes lamenting the lack of monarchs this past fall and requests for an ...

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