19 August 2009 | Author: Jim Lovett
Spring has sprung, summer is fading, and the spectacular fall monarch migration will soon be upon us…
August also marks another lesser-known yet still noteworthy annual event – the birthday of the father, so to speak, of Monarch Watch. Some introduce him as Dr. Orley R. Taylor, Professor Taylor, the Honeybee Guy, the Monarch Man, or the Director of Monarch Watch…but most of us know him as “Chip.”
In response to our “Future of Monarch Watch” article posted earlier this year (monarchwatch.org/future), several long-time Monarch Watchers have suggested a fundraising campaign in honor of Chip and it seems fitting to run it up to his birthday, which happens to be at the end of this month.
Not only does Chip draw no salary from Monarch Watch, he has also been the single largest financial contributor to the program over its eighteen year history. It is no secret that Chip is passionate about monarchs and Monarch Watch – he is genuinely concerned about the future of the monarch migration and that of our program as well.
So, in honor of Chip we’re officially launching the “Chip in for Monarch Watch” fundraising campaign for the month of August – a chance for Monarch Watchers, colleagues, friends, and family across the planet to show their support for Chip and the Monarch Watch program he brought to life nearly two decades ago.
“In 1992 I had no idea how this small project would change my life nor did I envision Monarch Watch as it is today. It’s fair to say that Monarch Watch continues to lead me into new areas of public education and lines of research I hadn’t anticipated. Each year brings new adventures and connections that seem to arise simply because Monarch Watch exists.” – Chip Taylor

1. Send an email to Jim at JLOVETT@KU.EDU and type “Chip in for Monarch Watch” in the subject line – in this email message please include the following:
- Your name (or that of an organization)
- Your pledge amount ($1, $10, $100 or more – any amount will be greatly appreciated)
- A personal note for Chip (could be a sentence, a paragraph, or a letter; photos are welcome too!)
- Your name as you would like it to appear online (full name, first name(s), initials, organization, or anonymous is fine)
If you would like to make the donation anonymously please note that but include your name so that we can match it with your gift.
2. Make your fully tax-deductible donation to Monarch Watch via any of the methods listed below. All donations will be processed by the KU Endowment Association – however you donate, please make sure the gift is directed to Monarch Watch.
Gift Processing Department
KU Endowment
P.O. Box 928
Lawrence, KS 66044-0928
Additionally, to make a donation or ask questions about gift options, gift planning, endowed funds, employer matching programs, etc. you may contact:
Burke Beeler, Director of Donor Relations
800-444-4201 or 888-653-6111 toll-free
3. We will then assemble a donor list, the notes, and/or photos into a big birthday card and present them to Chip at the end of the month. We’ll also post updates, photos, etc. at monarchwatch.org/chip and may even broadcast live video as well.
Please spread the word to other monarch enthusiasts you know – it has also been suggested that donations could be collected from several individuals (friends, family, co-workers, club members, etc.) and then submitted as a single donation by any of the methods listed above.
Donations are accepted at anytime throughout the year, but if you would like to be included in this special “Chip in for Monarch Watch” campaign, please complete your contribution by August 28, 2009.
If you have any questions please feel free to drop us a line anytime – thank you for your continued support!
Oh, and Chip doesn’t know about this little venture so let’s try to keep it a secret! 

Don’t forget to check out monarchwatch.org/chip for donor updates, comments, photos, video and more!
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