Monarch Watch Blog

Archive for the ‘Monarch Population Status’ Category

Where are the monarchs??

18 July 2008 | Author: Chip Taylor

"Where are the monarchs?" has been a common question asked of us over the last month or so and the following is the best answer I can provide at this time. Thanks to all of you who have contacted us with ...

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Overwintering Monarch Population 2007-2008

7 February 2008 | Author: Jim

It’s official - the monarch population numbers are low again. Measured at 4.61 hectares, this year’s overwintering population is the third lowest since detailed measures of all overwintering colonies began in 1993. The three lowest populations in this 15-year record ...

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Monarch Population Status

7 January 2008 | Author: Jim

The monarch population in the eastern part of the breeding range was higher than normal for the second year in a row. Although the 2007 fall migration was smaller than normal in the upper mid-west, perhaps due to a mid ...

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Late Migrants and Population Size

2 November 2001 | Author: Jim

Although there have been killing frosts over much of the northern portion of the breeding range, late monarchs have been reported with some regularity over the past two weeks and, as recently as yesterday (1 November), two monarchs were spotted ...

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The Great Recovery of 2001

9 October 2001 | Author: Chip Taylor

Last year was a disaster for monarchs. The spring, summer, and fall droughts in different portions of the country limited reproduction in the spring and summer and survival of the migrating population in the fall. The result was the lowest ...

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Fall Monarch Population and Migration

17 August 2001 | Author: Jim

Although the number of monarchs at the overwintering sites in Mexico last winter was the lowest yet to be recorded (28.3 million) and the number of females that survived to reproduce this spring in the southern states was quite low, ...

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Monarch Population Down?

6 June 2001 | Author: Jim

The overwintering monarch population in Mexico was the lowest (2.83 hectares) yet recorded by Eligio Garcia for all overwintering colonies combined. If we use the number of monarchs per hectare suggested by Bill Calvert at the recent meeting in Lawrence ...

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