Monarch Watch Blog

Archive for the ‘Monarch Population Status’ Category

Monarch Population Status

29 May 2013 | Author: Chip Taylor

Will this be a lean year for monarchs followed by another low overwintering population? A slow start, a small population and some predictions Monarchs are off to a slow start this year, with the number moving north in May at an all ...

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Monarch Population Status

14 March 2013 | Author: Chip Taylor

The World Wildlife Fund-Mexico / Telcel Alliance, in collaboration with Mexico’s National Commission of Natural Protected Areas (CONANP), held a press conference late on the 13th of March 2013 to announce the results of the status of the ...

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Monarch Population Status

20 August 2012 | Author: Chip Taylor

In early July I wrote the text for the pre-migration newsletter that goes out with the tagging kits in which I stated that there was no real basis for making a prediction about the size of the fall migratory population: "If ...

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Monarch Population Status

30 July 2012 | Author: Chip Taylor

A year like no other... There has been no year in the 117 years of climate records for the United States that matches what we have all experienced in the last 12 months. We have been tracking how monarchs are affected ...

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Monarch Population Status

12 June 2012 | Author: Jim

What a spring it's been - the warmest in 117 years of record keeping and the warmest 12 months ever recorded in the United States. In response to the warm conditions the plants and insects have made early appearances. Some ...

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Monarch Population Status

19 March 2012 | Author: Chip Taylor

The size of the overwintering monarch population in Mexico is usually released in late January or February. Early reporting helps all of us plan for the season ahead. Unfortunately, for reasons that are not clear, this report wasn't released to ...

Filed under Mexico, Monarch Conservation, Monarch Migration, Monarch Population Status | 8 Comments »

Monarch Population Status

22 November 2011 | Author: Jim

In the last update of the eastern monarch population (late September) we noted that it would be interesting to see how monarchs cope with the lack of nectar and water in Texas. We knew that the migration would make it ...

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Monarch Population Status

22 September 2011 | Author: Chip Taylor

The following is a brief update on the status of the eastern monarch population. The leading edge of the migration has now reached northern Texas. As many of you know, we attempt to follow the monarch population closely. Based on our ...

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Monarch Population Status

2 August 2011 | Author: Chip Taylor

Monarch Watch turns 20! We started our monarch tagging program in September of 1992 - it doesn't seem that long ago but I guess that we have been so busy that we lost track of the passing years. We began ...

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Monarch Population Status

26 April 2011 | Author: Chip Taylor

I've been monitoring the reports of returning monarchs quite closely this spring. The pattern of the return this year is similar to that seen in 2006 but more exaggerated, with more monarchs moving into the mid latitudes (35-42N) than in ...

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