Monarch Watch Blog

Archive for the ‘Monarch Population Status’ Category

Monarch Population Status

7 July 2016 | Author: Chip Taylor

As most of you know, the summer of 2015 produced a strong migration and a relatively large overwintering population (4.01 hectares). To place this population growth in context, let’s review the last several years. The population declined following each of ...

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Monarch Population Status

4 May 2016 | Author: Chip Taylor

On February 26th, World Wildlife Fund Mexico in collaboration with SEMARNAT and CONANP and the Monarch Butterfly Biosphere Reserve (MBBR) announced the total forest area occupied by overwintering monarch colonies. Nine colonies were located this winter season with a total ...

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Monarch Population Status

26 February 2016 | Author: Monarch Watch

World Wildlife Fund Mexico in collaboration with SEMARNAT and CONANP and the Monarch Butterfly Biosphere Reserve (MBBR) announced the total forest area occupied by overwintering monarch colonies today in Mexico City. Nine colonies were located this winter season with a ...

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Monarch Population Status

6 August 2015 | Author: Chip Taylor

It appears that I’ve made another wrong turn. My monarch GPS keeps saying "Recalculating, recalculating." I get tired of hearing that refrain but when the GPS insists that you are off the preselected path, it’s wise to pay ...

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Monarch Population Status

16 July 2015 | Author: Chip Taylor

"Recalculating! Recalculating!" That's what I hear from the GPS system in my car every time I make a wrong turn. The satellite that is tracking my position has detected that I've deviated from the course that my system plotted for ...

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Monarch Population Status

6 May 2015 | Author: Chip Taylor

"Monarch Futures" If there were such a thing as Monarch Futures* on the market right now, I’d buy all I could. The immediate future for monarchs looks bright - there is a good chance the population will increase this year. Last ...

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Monarch Population Status

27 January 2015 | Author: Chip Taylor

World Wildlife Mexico in collaboration with SEMARNAT and CONANP and the Monarch Butterfly Biosphere Reserve (MBBR) announced the total forest area occupied by overwintering monarch colonies early this morning in Mexico City. Nine colonies were located this winter season with ...

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Monarch Population Status: Addendum

2 September 2014 | Author: Chip Taylor

As an addendum to our Monarch Population Status report posted on 29 July 2014, I offer the following: Reports from throughout the breeding range indicate an increase in monarch numbers roughly along the lines projected in May. The migration ...

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Monarch Population Status

29 July 2014 | Author: Chip Taylor

Those of you who follow monarchs closely are aware that the monarch population has been declining for the last 10 years with significant drops in the population each of the last three years. The number of trees and total area ...

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Monarch Population Status

29 January 2014 | Author: Chip Taylor

The overwintering numbers are in from Mexico and once again it’s bad news. The numbers are not a surprise; as early as May, we predicted that the population would be lower this winter. I’ll discuss our reasons for this expectation ...

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