Monarch Watch Blog

Archive for the ‘Monarch Population Status’ Category

Monarch Population Status

10 September 2018 | Author: Chip Taylor

It’s been more than a few years since we have seen a monarch migration as promising as the one that is taking place at this time (early September). The first fall roosts were reported to Journey North on the 11 ...

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Monarch Population Status

3 August 2018 | Author: Chip Taylor

When it comes to estimating the size of the migration, each year is a series of experiments, with numerous hypotheses, during which I try to match what I know about monarchs with the progression of the seasonal conditions that influence ...

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Monarch Population Status

24 July 2018 | Author: Chip Taylor

A message to all taggers Hear ye! Hear ye! Taggers take note! What you have contributed to monarch science over the years has been incredible! Collectively, you have tagged well over 1.5 million monarchs in the last 26 years, from the ...

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Monarch Population Status 2/2

5 May 2018 | Author: Chip Taylor

For monarchs every year is the same and yet every year is different. There are similar factors that affect the growth of the population every year, but the combinations differ. The average March temperature in Texas this year was 5.3ºF ...

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Monarch Population Status 1/2

5 May 2018 | Author: Chip Taylor

The following text was written on 10 March 2018. Predicting the trends in the monarch population in 2018 If you have been following a number of my posts to the Blog over the years, you have surely noticed that I have a ...

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Monarch Population Status

7 March 2018 | Author: Monarch Watch

World Wildlife Fund Mexico in collaboration with CONANP and the Monarch Butterfly Biosphere Reserve (MBBR) announced the total forest area occupied by overwintering monarch colonies this week. Nine (9) colonies were located this winter season with a total area of ...

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Monarch Population Status

20 July 2017 | Author: Chip Taylor

I’ve done many things in my career that I’ve enjoyed greatly and among those was teaching a course in honey bee biology. The course incorporated some hands-on lessons in how to manage bees for pleasure and the sweet rewards bees ...

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Monarch Population Status

11 May 2017 | Author: Chip Taylor

Those of us who are educators, and who follow monarchs closely, are being educated by the monarchs themselves this spring. The movement and behavior of monarchs returning from Mexico has been unprecedented. I'll save the details for a longer Status ...

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Monarch Population Status

11 February 2017 | Author: Jim

World Wildlife Fund Mexico in collaboration with SEMARNAT and CONANP and the Monarch Butterfly Biosphere Reserve (MBBR) announced the total forest area occupied by overwintering monarch colonies. Thirteen (13) colonies were located this winter season with a total area of ...

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Monarch Population Status

14 September 2016 | Author: Jim

It was apparent as early as late May that the migration, and the subsequent overwintering population, was going to be much lower this year than in 2015-2016. The projections outlined in the Blog post of 7 July have largely come ...

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