Monarch Watch Blog

Archive for the ‘General’ Category

Wanted: Gerber Baby Food Containers

6 September 2009 | Author: Jim Lovett

Do you or someone you know use Gerber's "2nd Foods" Baby Food packs - the larger, 3.5-ounce containers? Here's what they look like on the shelf at your grocery store and removed from the package: If you have access to a ...

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Chip in for Monarch Watch

19 August 2009 | Author: Jim Lovett

Spring has sprung, summer is fading, and the spectacular fall monarch migration will soon be upon us... August also marks another lesser-known yet still noteworthy annual event - the birthday of the father, so to speak, of Monarch Watch. Some introduce ...

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Monarch Watch “Fan” Page on Facebook

3 August 2009 | Author: Jim Lovett

You can now find Monarch Watch on Facebook! Check out our official "fan" page at and help promote our program by becoming a fan - we have 559 Facebook Fans so far and counting! Becoming a fan is simple - just log ...

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Climate Report 2008

29 April 2009 | Author: Chip Taylor

If I’m paying attention, I can find information about the environment every day in newspapers or on major websites that cover national and international news. The stories are often disturbing and I tend to make a mental note of the ...

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Monarch Butterfly: Top Ten Facts

15 April 2009 | Author: Chip Taylor

Although monarchs get lots of press, news accounts and video productions often contain errors and misrepresentations that detract from the quality of the productions. The source of these errors is not clear but a quick scan of a number of ...

Filed under General, Monarch Conservation, Monarch Migration, Monarch Tagging | 3 Comments »

Monarch Watch has a 9 year old fan

17 March 2009 | Author: Jim Lovett

It's always nice to hear about how Monarch Watch touches people's lives... Just thought I'd let you know how much Monarch Watch has influenced my 9 year old daughter. We've enjoyed visiting your tent at the Powell Garden's Butterfly Festival for ...

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The Future of Monarch Watch

30 January 2009 | Author: Chip Taylor

The year 2009 marks the eighteenth year of Monarch Watch. We started the program in the fall of 1992 and, given the economic conditions, I’m wondering if we will still be around next year at this time. Keeping Monarch Watch ...

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On TV: The Incredible Journey of the Butterflies

15 January 2009 | Author: Chip Taylor

From time to time the monarch migration and associated conservation issues are covered in the national media, via articles in newspapers, magazines, and short clips on TV news programs. Overall, the coverage of the monarch story has been spotty bits ...

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Changes in the Composition of Plant Communities

29 February 2008 | Author: Jim

Plant ecologists tell us that the species composition of plant communities is going to change as climates become warmer, as carbon dioxide (CO2) levels increase, as rainfall becomes more erratic, and as nitrification (due to the use of ...

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Monarch Spotted “Way Up North” in 2007

11 February 2008 | Author: Jim

From time to time we receive a monarch story that is so compelling and well put together that it needs to be shared. The following account was received from Mick Callas, who was inspired to write us after having a ...

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