Free Milkweeds for Restoration Projects
Thursday, June 4th, 2015 at 10:56 pm by Monarch WatchFiled under Monarch Conservation | Comments Off on Free Milkweeds for Restoration Projects

Through funding provided by Monsanto, we will be able to offer 100,000 free milkweed plugs for large-scale restoration projects in June and September of 2015 and through spring and fall 2016. Applicants for these free plugs are asked to describe the site. We would like to know the type of habitat (roadside, old field, prairie restoration, etc.), its location (including a picture and approximate latitude and longitude), along with a brief description how the site will be maintained. We would also appreciate it if your group would provide us with pictures taken during or after the planting. While the plugs are free, the recipients must agree to cover the modest shipping costs described below. For more information on Monsanto’s monarch program please visit:
If you or someone you know is interested in free milkweeds for large-scale restoration projects, complete details are available here or here.
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