Invitation to Monarch Watch 30-year events
Friday, August 5th, 2022 at 10:32 am by Jim LovettFiled under Events | Comments Off on Invitation to Monarch Watch 30-year events
Come celebrate 30 years of Monarch Watch with us in Lawrence, Kansas! We are planning special events for September 15-17, 2022 and hope you will join us. Space is limited, so please reserve your place as soon as possible. Event registration will close when capacity is reached or at the latest, August 24th. Complete event, location, hotel, travel, ticketing and RSVP details (everything you need to know to plan your visit) are now available online at the link below.
Monarch Watch 30-year events:

Here is a quick overview of what we have planned:
Thursday, September 15 – Banquet
Join us for a banquet and program highlighting 30 years of Monarch Watch. There will be ample opportunity to socialize with Chip, fellow monarch enthusiasts and Monarch Watch staff. $60/person
Friday, September 16 – Symposium & Evening in the Garden
Attend a monarch update symposium, enjoy a boxed lunch with participants and engage in discussion. $15/person
Later, have a relaxing stroll through Monarch Waystation #1 where Monarch Watch staff and Douglas Co. Extension Master Gardeners will be available to answer questions. Free event.
Saturday, September 17 – Monarch Tagging
We will provide tags, nets, and instruction then send you out into the wetlands to tag some wild monarchs as they migrate through the area. The Baker Wetlands encompasses 927 acres of rich, natural wildlife and is one of the most diverse habitats in Kansas. Free event.
There are also a number of monarch-related activities going on in Lawrence throughout September and we will post details at once we have them.
We hope you can join us for one or all of the events but if you can’t, we plan to share them with you through photos, video, and maybe even some livestreaming so be sure to check the event page in the coming weeks!
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