Milkweed inventory – plants remaining
Tuesday, May 27th, 2014 at 8:12 am by Jim LovettFiled under Monarch Conservation | Comments Off on Milkweed inventory – plants remaining
Although we have been shipping milkweeds like crazy – about 30K so far – we still have a few – actually quite a few (22K)- plugs left that are well rooted and ready to ship. We need to find homes for these plants. The attached spread sheet shows the ecoregions from which the seeds originated and to which we will send the plants. We use the Bailey Ecoregions as a guide. We have been advised to use these ecoregions to return plants to the zones to which they are best adapted. When we can, we return the plants to the same state as the seeds originated from though the ecoregion may span several states – e.g. 251.

R. G. Bailey, Ecoregions of the United States, USDA Forest Service, revised 1994.
Please pass this around. Due to a number of miscalculations and just the shear confusion of trying to keep track of the successful production from 112 different seed lots – which in most cases was higher than anticipated, we ended up with more plugs than we expected.
Thanks for any help you can provide. The flats with plugs (N=32) are available for $60.80 each through the Milkweed Market. Shipping is included for most locations but we are finding it necsssary to expedite the shipping (with associated higher costs) to areas where the temperatures are above 90F at this time of year. (Heat damaged plants aren’t pretty).
If you are interested in plants from California, A fascicularis is still available. Again, please send an email to indicating your interest in these plants.
For additional information please visit our Milkweed Market
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