Chip in for Monarch Watch
Tuesday, August 21st, 2012 at 8:17 am by Jim LovettFiled under General | Comments Off on Chip in for Monarch Watch

The 2012 “Chip in for Monarch Watch” Fundraising Campaign is now underway! Please help us spread the word about this annual campaign which brings in funds to keep Monarch Watch’s education, conservation and research programs going…and growing!
If you are in a position to offer financial support to Monarch Watch (or if you know someone who might be), please consider making a fully tax-deductible donation of any amount during our 2012 “Chip in for Monarch Watch” fundraising campaign.
Visit for more information or to submit your pledge and tax-deductible donation. Be sure to check out the comments and photos submitted by other donors – we are continually amazed by the connections that are made through monarchs and Monarch Watch.
Last year’s campaign was a huge success, raising more than $31,000 – think we can top that this year?
Complete campaign details at:
Thank you for your continued support!
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