Tag Recovery Database Updated
Wednesday, May 30th, 2012 at 3:53 pm by Jim LovettFiled under Monarch Tagging | 1 Comment »
The Monarch Watch Tag Recovery Database (monarchwatch.org/recoveries) has been updated – more than 16, 000 records now, in a searchable format. Check to see if any of your tags were recovered in Mexico this year 🙂
Tip: to generate a list of all tags reported to us this year, simply select 2012 from the “Year” dropdown menu in the “Recovery Information” section and hit the “Submit” button.

Thanks to all of you who have participated in the tagging program and to those who have contributed to the tag recovery fund. These contributions are needed since we compensate the ejido members in Mexico who search for the tags among the dead butterflies beneath the colonies. And, thanks to many people who helped acquire the tags in Mexico in our – and your – behalf.
One Response to “Tag Recovery Database Updated”
By Joy Morris on Jul 12, 2012
I have three caterpillars (that I can see) on my One huge bush down at my veg garden, I transferred two on my large Milk Bush near my house so I can view the catapillars and then the ongoing tranforming into a Butterfly. this is the first time I have had caterpillars in three years. That is why my bush is so huge. In New Zealand I have them in my garden also I videod a mass of the Monarchs which had just come out to warm their wings before flying away. Go onto Joy V.Morris Facebook if you want to see it. I am so delighted on my effort to keep the beautiful Monarch alive and breeding. Joy