Monarch Watch Tag Recovery Database Updated
Friday, April 22nd, 2011 at 4:42 pm by Jim LovettFiled under Monarch Tagging | 3 Comments »
Nearly 4, 000 records have been added to the Monarch Watch Tag Recovery database, bringing the total number of records to more than 15, 000 for the 1992-2010 monarch tagging seasons.

Approximately 2500 records represent monarchs observed/recovered in the U.S. or Canada and more than 12, 500 records represent monarchs recovered at the overwintering sites in Mexico.
Anyone may search the database via
Please note that this is very much a work in progress – we working on acquiring the funding necessary to “scrub” the data (clean up any errors) and create more robust applications for searching and data visualization. Also, you will likely notice records with missing data – this is often due to taggers not returning their datasheets at the end of the tagging season. We are in the process of tracking down the missing data and will update the database as we recover the information.
If you would like to help fund this project, please see our Donation page for details about ways to give.
3 Responses to “Monarch Watch Tag Recovery Database Updated”
By Carole Jordan on Apr 22, 2011
Congratulations on this amazing research and results:-) We can all share in the thrill this way:-) As always, you are the best!
By Michelle on Apr 24, 2011
One of the things we’ve found is that the dynamics of the remaining populations become synchronous – if one increases or decreases, other isolated populations are likely to do the same. Development, pesticides, pollution, and the decline of protective groves all contributed to a decline in the number of migratory monarchs visiting the Central Coast.
By Sandy Johnson on Oct 20, 2011
How do I seach for the Monarch’s that I tagged so I can see if they have made it.