Plant Fundraiser A Success
Wednesday, June 10th, 2009 at 9:50 am by Jim LovettFiled under Events | Comments Off on Plant Fundraiser A Success
Whew, we were busy! Our annual plant fundraiser last month was a huge success – a big THANK YOU goes out to everyone that came out to see us and buy plants for their gardens as well as all those that helped prepare for the event and assisted us throughout the day.
We welcomed nearly 1,000 visitors (our best guess) and a good time was had by all. As a part of our Spring Open House we had lots of things to see and do for kids of all ages – videos and games for children, tours of our garden and lab space, a ton of critters (all monarch life stages, silkworms, tarantulas, hissing cockroaches, cecropias, honeybees, mantids, etc.) and a whole bunch more.
We also had a number of webcams going that were broadcasting the event live over the internet to any Monarch Watchers around the globe that wanted to check in to see what we were doing.
Here’s a short slideshow (33 photos) of the day’s events:

Now we need to start getting ready for our fall events (butterfly festival, open house, tagging, and others) – see you there!
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