Our goal is to restore milkweeds in “natural” landscapes and encourage their adoption in ordinary gardens throughout the United States.
To accomplish this goal we:
- are embarking on a Nationwide program to collect seeds of milkweeds used most commonly by monarchs in each region of the country;
- will form partnerships with nurseries to produce young milkweed plants (plugs) that can be used for restoration and plant fundraisers by cooperating organizations;
- will promote the incorporation of milkweed seeds and plugs into restoration projects along roadsides, at nature centers, within municipalities, in natural landscapes adjacent to schools, businesses, private lands, and other public lands;
- will form partnerships with organizations engaged in landscape restoration and will encourage 4H groups, schools, science clubs, native plant societies, county conservation organizations, land managers and others to plant milkweeds and to protect monarch habitat;
- will develop a number of partnerships to produce large quantities of milkweed seeds that can be used in the above projects; and
- will extensively promote the planting of milkweeds in gardens, particularly the adoption of a number of western milkweeds into “dry’ gardens.