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Scientific Bibliography : Monarch Physiology

Hormonal and Molting Cycles

Atkins, A. F. 1974. Observations on the response of Queensland Daniad butterflies to selective attractants. In Australian Entomological Magazine . pp. 78-80. Vol. 1 [Keywords: behavior, reproduction, chemical communication, pheromones, hairpencils, feeding]

Barker, J. F. 1976. On the neurendocrinology of reproduction and migration in the monarch butterfly, Danaus plexippus. . St. Paul: Univ. of Minn.

Barker, J. F., Herman, W. S. 1973. On the neuroendocrine control of ovarian development in the Monarch butterfly. Journal of Experimental Zoology 183:1-10 [Keywords: physiology, neuroendocrine system, ovarian development]

Bellas, T. E., Brownlee, R. G., Silverstein, R. M. 1974. Isolation, tentative identification, and synthesis studies of the volatile components of the hairpencil secretion of the monarch butterfly. Tetrahedron Letters 30:2267-2271 [Keywords: biochemistry, chemical communication, hairpencil secretions]

Boppre, M. 1976. Pheromon-Transfer-Partikel auf einem Duftpinselhaar eines Monarchfalters (Danaus formosa). Naturwissenschaftliche Rundschau (Stuttgart) 29:[caption to frontispiece].

Boppre, M. 1979. Untersuchungen zur Pheromonbiologie bei Monarchfaltern (Danaidae). Dissertation der Fakultat fur Biologie der Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitat Munchen. 121

Boppre, M., Petty, R. L., Schneider, D., Meinwald, J. 1978. Behaviourally mediated contacts between scent organs: another prerequisite for pheromone production in Danaus chrysippus males (Lepidoptera). Journal of Comparative Physiology A 126:97-103 [Keywords: behavior, chemical communication, pheromones, hairpencils, PA]

Dallmann, S. H., Herman, W. S. 1977. Evidence for an adipokinetic hormone in the Monarch butterfly, Danaus plexippus. American Zoologist 17:928 [Keywords: physiology, endocrinology]

Dallmann, S. H., Herman, W. S. 1978. Hormonal regulation of haemolymph lipid concentration in the monarch butterfly, Danaus plexippus. General and Comparative Endocrinology 36:142-150

Dallmann, S. H., Herman, W. S., Carlsen, J., Josefsson, L. 1981. Adipokinetic activity of shrimp and locust peptide hormones in butterflies. General and Comparative Endocrinology 43:256-258

Dores, R. M., Dallmann, S. H., Herman, W. S. 1979. The regulation of post-eclosion and post-feeding diuresis in the Monarch butterfly, Danaus plexippus. Journal of Insect Physiology 25:895-901

Dores, R. M., Herman, W. H. 1981. Effect of age, ambient temperature, and exposure to hormone on the posteclosion diuretic response of the Monarch butterfly. Experientia (Basel) 37:529-530 [Keywords: physiology, diuresis]

Edgar, J. A., Cockrum, P. A., Frahn, J. L. 1976. Pyrrolizidine alkaloids in Danaus plexippus L. and Danaus chrysippus L. Experientia (Basel) 32:1535-1537 [Keywords: PA, pheromones, hairpencils, defense]

Edgar, J. A., Culvenor, C. C. J., Robinson, G. S. 1973. Hairpencil dihydropyrrolizines of Danainae from the New Hebrides. Journal of the Australian Entomological Society 12:144-150

Edgar, J. A., Culvenor, C. C. J., Smith, L. W. 1971. Dihydropyrrolizine derivatives in the hair pencil secretions of Danaid butterflies. Experientia (Basel) 27:761-762 [Keywords: chemical communication, hairpencil, biochemistry, PA]

Eisner, T., Meinwald, J. 1987. Alkaloid-derived pheromones and sexual selection in Lepidoptera. In Pheromone biochemistry , ed. G. D. Prestwich, G. J. Blomquist. pp. 251-269. Orlando, Florida: Academic Press

Engelmann, F. 1983. Vitellogenesis controlled by juvenile hormone. In Endocrinology of insects, eds. G. H. Downer and H. Laufer, 259-270. New York: Alan R. Liss.

Herman, W. S. 1973. The endocrine basis of reproductive inactivity in monarch butterflies overwintering in central California. Journal of Insect Physiology 19:1883-1887

Herman, W. S. 1975. Endocrine regulation of posteclosion enlargement of the male and female reproductive glands in monarch butterflies. General and Comparative Endocrinology 26:534-540

Herman, W. S. 1975. Juvenile hormone stimulation of tubular and accessory glands in male monarch butterflies. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology 51:507-510

Herman, W. S. 1982. Endocrine regulation of the bursa copulatrix and receptacle gland of Danaus plexippus L. (Lepidoptera:Danaidae). Experientia (Basel) 38:631-632

Herman, W. S. 1985. Hormonally mediated events in adult monarch butterflies. Contributions in Marine Science Supplement 27:799-815 [Keywords: behavior, migration, physiology, endocrinology, juvenile hormone]

Herman, W. S., Barker, J. F. 1971. Reproductive endocrinology of Danaus plexippus. American Zoologist 11:645

Herman, W. S., Barker, J. F. 1976. Ecdysterone antagonism, mimicry and synergism of juvenile hormone action on the monarch butterfly reproductive tract. Journal of Insect Physiology 22:643-648 [Keywords: physiology, reproduction, ecdysterone, juvenile hormone]

Herman, W. S., Barker, J. F. 1977. Effect of mating on monarch butterfly oogenesis. Experientia (Basel) 33:688-689 [Keywords: behavior, physiology, mating, juvenile hormone]

Herman, W. S., Bennett, D. C. 1975. Regulation of oogenesis, female specific protein production, and male and female reproductive gland development by juvenile hormone in the butterfly, Nymphalis antiopa. Journal of Comparative Physiology A 99:331-338

Herman, W. S., Dallmann, S. H. 1981. Endocrine biology of the painted lady butterfly, Vanessa cardui. Journal of Insect Physiology 27:163-168

Herman, W. S., Dallmann, S. H., Dores, R. M. 1977. Evidence for a diuretic hormone in the Monarch butterfly, Danaus plexippus. American Zoologist 17:928

Herman, W. S., Lessman, C. A., Johnson, G. D. 1981. Correlation of juvenile hormone titer changes with reproductive tract development in the posteclosion monarch butterfly. J. Exp. Zool., Philadelphia 218:387-395 [Keywords: physiology, reproduction, juvenile hormone]

Herman, W. S., Peng, P. 1976. Juvenile hormone stimulation of sperm activator production in male monarch butterflies. Journal of Insect Physiology 22:579-581 [Keywords: physiology, reproduction, juvenile hormone, sperm]

James, D. G., Hales, D. F. 1983. Sensitivity to juvenile hormone is not reduced in clustering monarch butterflies, Danaus plexippus, in Australia. Physiological Entomology (Oxford) 8:273-276

Johnson, G. C. D. 1979. The accessory reproductive glands of the male monarch butterfly, Danaus plexippus: Their development, fine structure, and biochemistry. Ph.D. thesis, St. Paul: Univ. of Minn.

Komae, H., Nishi, A., Tanaka, T., Hyashi, N., Wesou, C., Kuwahara, Y. 1982. Major components in the hairpencil secretions of danaid butterflies from Far East Asia. Biochemical Systematics and Ecology (Oxford) 10:181-183

Lessman, C. A. 1979. The biology of juvenile hormone in the adult monarch (Danaus p. plexippus: Lepidoptera). Ph.D. thesis, St. Paul: Univ. of Minn.

Lessman, C. A. 1979. Enhancement of juvenile hormone degradation by flight and heat in adult Monarchs. American Zoologist 19:915

Lessman, C. A. 1980. Biology of hemolymph juvenile hormone in Danaus plexippus. Ph.D. thesis. University of Minnesota

Lessman, C. A. 1980. Biology of juvenile hormone in the Monarch butterfly, Danaus plexippus. [Ph.D. thesis, Univ. of Minnesota.]

Lessman, C. A., Herman, W. S. 1981. Flight enhances juvenile hormone inactivation in Danaus plexippus plexippus (L.) (Lepidoptera: Danaidae). Experientia (Basel) 37:599-601

Lessman, C. A., Herman, W. S. 1983. Seasonal variation in hemolymph juvenile hormone of adult monarchs (Danaus p. plexippus: Lepidoptera). Canadian Journal of Zoology 61:88-94

Lessman, C. A., Herman, W. S., Schooley, D. A. 1989. Detection of juvenile hormone I, II and III in adult monarch butterflies (Danaus plexippus). Insect Biochemistry (Oxford) 19:431-

Lessman, C. A., Rollins, L., Herman, W. S. 1982. Effects of juvenile hormones I, II, and III on reproductive tract growth in male and female monarch butterflies. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology 71A:141-144

Meinwald, J., Boriak, C. J., Schneider, D., Boppre, M., Wood, W. F., Eisner, T. 1974. Volatile ketones in the hairpencil secretion of Danaid butterflies (Amauris and Danaus). Experientia (Basel) 30:721-722

Meinwald, J., Chalmers, a. M., Pliske, T. E., Eisner, T. 1968. Pheromones III. Identification of trans, trans-10-hydroxy-3, 7-dimethyl-2, 6-decadienoic acid as a major component in "hairpencil" secretions of the male monarch butterfly. Tetrahedron Letters 1968:4893-4896

Meinwald, J., Chalmers, A. M., Pliske, T. E., Eisner, T. 1969. Identification and synthesis of trans, trans-3, 7-Dimethyl-2, 6-decadien-1, 10-dioic acid, a component of the pheromonal secretion of the male monarch butterfly. Chem. Communs. (London) 3:86-87

Meinwald, J., Meinwald, Y. C. 1966. Structure and synthesis of the major component in the hair-pencil secretion of a male butterfly, Lycorea ceres ceres (Cramer). Journal of the American Chemical Society 88:1305-1310

Meinwald, J., Meinwald, Y. C., Mazzochi, P. H. 1969. Sex pheromone of the Queen butterfly: Chemistry. Science (Washington) 164:1174-1175

Meinwald, J., Meinwald, Y. C., Wheeler, J. W., Eisner, T., Brower, L. P. 1966. Major components in the exocrine secretion of a male butterfly (Lycorea). Science (Washington) 151:583-585

Meinwald, J., Thompson, W. R., Eisner, T., Owen, D. F. 1971. Pheromones VII. African monarch: major components of the hairpencil secretion. Tetrahedron Letters 1971:3485-3488

Miles, H., Loew, P., Johnson, W. S., Kluge, A. F., Meinwald, J. 1972. A short steroselective synthesis of some terpenes from the pheromonal secretion of the queen and monarch butterflies. Tetrahedron Letters 1972:3019-3022

Muthukrishnan, J., Mathavan, S., Venkatasubbu, K. 1979. Effects of caffeine and theophylline on food utilization and emergence in Danaus chrysippus L. (Lepidoptera: Danaidae). Entomon (India) 4:307-312

Myers, J. 1972. Pheromones and courtship behaviour in butterflies. American Zoologist 12:545-551

Odinokov, B. N., Kukovinets, O. S., Sakharova, N. I. 1989. Ozonolysis of alkenes and reactions of polyfunctional compounds. XXXVII. Synthesis of acyclic (E,E)-2,3-diene alpha,omega-bifunctional terpenoid components of the sex pheromone of male danaid butterflies Danaus plexippus and Danaus chrysippus. Journal of Organic Chemistry of the USSR 25:25-

Pan, M. L. 1977. Synthetic juvenile hormone and larval-pupal transformation in the Monarch butterfly. Amer. Zool., Utica, N. Y. 17:912 [Keywords: abstract, physiology, endocrinology, development]

Pan, M. L. 1979. Juvenile hormone, ecdysterone and vitellogenin production in the Monarch butterfly. Amer. Zool., Utica, N. Y. 19:916 [Keywords: abstract, physiology, reproduction]

Pan, M. L., Wyatt, G. R. 1971. Juvenile hormone induces vitellogenin synthesis in the Monarch butterfly. Science (Washington) 174:503-505 [Keywords: physiology, reproduction, juvenile hormone]

Pan, M. L., Wyatt, G. R. 1971. Yolk protein synthesis and its hormonal control in the Monarch butterfly. American Zoologist 11:680 [Keywords: abstract, physiology, endocrinology, reproduction]

Pan, M. L., Wyatt, G. R. 1976. Control of vitellogenin synthesis in the monarch butterfly by juvenile hormone. Developmental Biology 54:127-134 [Keywords: physiology, yolk formation, juvenile hormone]

Petersen, B. 1964. Humidity, darkness and gold spots as possible factors in pupal duration of monarch butterflies. J. Lepid. Soc., Cambridge, Mass. 18:230-232

Petty, R. L., Boppre, M., Schneider, D., Meinwald, J. 1977. Identification and localization of volatile hairpencil components in male Amauris ochlea butterflies (Danaidae). Experientia (Basel) 33:1324-1326

Pliske, T. E., Eisner, T. 1969. Sex pheromone of the Queen butterfly: biology. Science (Washington) 164:1170-1172

Pliske, T. E., Salpeter, M. M. 1971. The structure and development of the hairpencil glands in males of the Queen butterfly, Danaus gilippus berenice. Journal of Morphology 134:215-242

Rankin, M. A. 1985. Endocrine influence on flight behavior. Contributions in Marine Science Supplement, 27:817-841 [Keywords: behavior, physiology, endocrinology, migration, juvenile hormone, octopamine]

Reynolds, S. E., Truman, J. W. 1983. Eclosion hormone. In Endocrinology of insects, eds. G. H. Downer and H. Laufer, 217-234. New York: Alan R. Liss.

Schneider, D. 1975. Pheromone communication in moths and butterflies. In Sensory physiology and behavior , ed. R. Galun, P. Hillman, I. Parnas, R. Werman. pp. 173-193. New York: Plenum Press

Schneider, D., Boppre, M., Schneider, H., Thompson, W. R., Boriack, C. J., Petty, R. L. & Meinwald, J. 1975. A pheromone precursor and its uptake in male Danaus butterflies. Journal of Comparative Physiology A 97:245-256

Schneider, D. S., U. 1969. Sex pheromone of the Queen butterfly: electrantennogram responses. Science (Washington) 164:1173-1174

Schulz, S., Francke, W., Boppre, M. 1988. Carboxylic acids from hairpencils of Amauris butterflies (Lep.: Danainae). Biol. Chem. Hoppe-Seyler 369:633-638

Sheldon, W. G. 1935. The food-plant of Danaus plexippus in Tenerife and the period of emergence of the imago. Entomologist (London) 68:287

Shukla, R. N. 1976. Haemolymph proteins in relation to growth, molting and reproduction in Danais chrysippus Linn. Biochimica e Biologia Sperimentale (Milan) 12:333-339

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