WELCOME! Thank you for joining us in September to celebrate 30 years of Monarch Watch and the Month of the Monarch.
5:30-10:00PM - Banquet & Program @ Abe & Jake's Landing ($60/person)
Registration for banquet is now closed. We will start with socializing/happy hour then have dinner followed by a short program about Monarch Watch's 30 years and finish the evening with more socializing :-) Price includes appetizers, dinner, dessert, two drink tickets, and program. Attire: Casual Location: Abe & Jake's Landing, 8 E 6th St, Lawrence, KS 66044 abejakes.com Parking on campus: Please see the parking map povided by the venue at abejakes.com/new-page
9:00AM-2:00PM - Monarch Update Symposium & Box Lunch @ Monarch Watch ($15/person)
Registration for symposium is now closed. There will be an opportunity for brief tours of Monarch Watch facilities as registered attendees check in (beginning at 9am) then we will move to a classroom around 10am for a mini-conference with various speakers giving monarch updates and other news (see "Monarch Update Symposium Topics" section below for details) then break for a box lunch followed by additional discussion. Price includes box luch (sandwich, side, dessert and drink) and symposium. Attire: Casual Location: Monarch Watch, University of Kansas, 2021 Constant Ave, Lawrence, KS 66047 monarchwatch.org Parking on campus: Parking for the symposium will be available in the 214 Lots (lot right in front of our building as well as lots to the east and southeast (see parking map).
4:30-7:00PM - Evening in the Garden @ Monarch Watch (Free event) Monarch Watch staff and Douglas Co. Extension Master Gardeners will be available to answer questions as you explore Monarch Waystation #1. Refreshments will be provided. Attire: Casual Location: Monarch Watch, University of Kansas, 2021 Constant Ave, Lawrence, KS 66047 monarchwatch.org Parking on campus: Parking for the garden event will be available in the 214 Lots (lot right in front of our building as well as lots to the east and southeast (see parking map).
8:00AM-12:00PM - Monarch Tagging @ Baker Wetlands Discovery Center (Free event) We will provide tags, nets, and instruction then send you out into the wetlands to tag some wild monarchs as they migrate through the area. The Baker Wetlands encompasses 927 acres of rich, natural wildlife and is one of the most diverse habitats in Kansas. Attire: Casual but additional consideration should be given for rugged and/or wet conditions in some areas Location: Baker Wetlands Discovery Center, 1365 N. 1250 Road, Lawrence, KS 66046 bakeru.edu/history-traditions/the-wetlands
The 2022 Monarch Watch Symposium presentations are available online here.
Registration for symposium is now closed.
As part of the Monarch Watch 30-year anniversary celebration, we will host a mini symposium from approximately 10AM to 2PM on FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 16, 2022. There will be the usual breaks in the talks and, as mentioned above, a box lunch available for those who have registered for the event. We have reserved a room that seats 175 and registration ($15) is open to anyone with an interest. Please use the "Monarch Watch 30-year Event Ticketing & RSVP" links above to reserve your place.
Many such events focus only on current research. In this case, we are planning an event open to a broader range of topics along with discussions about what's next.
We will start with a series of short (10 min) research reports. These talks will be followed by a discussion centered on two questions: First, what do we need to know about monarchs and their interactions with the environment to sustain the monarch migration and second, are habitat restoration efforts effective and are they sufficient in scale to compensate for annual losses?
Outreach and Restoration
In this section, we will hear reports about outreach efforts and restoration projects with a focus on what works and what doesn't. In the discussion that follows, we will consider next steps. It's clear that to sustain the monarch migration, we have to gain more support from the public, foundations, businesses, corporations as well as state and federal agencies. To gain more support, we need to reach out more effectively, but how? What is the best strategy moving forward?
The last session, and perhaps the most important one, will focus on monarchs in the future. The recent designation by the IUCN of monarchs as an endangered species is a reminder that there is a strong possibility that the Fish and Wildlife Service will follow suit with a similar designation in 2024. If not then, perhaps later, but such a designation is likely in the near future, and we should be prepared. Such a decision will affect research, outreach, landowners, conservation efforts and access to monarchs at every level. We will preview the possible impacts and discuss how they might be addressed. We will also identify variances to the usual regulations that might be allowed or that we might have to seek, etc.
Lastly, we are all about education and in that spirit, we will encourage questions from the audience throughout this session. For my part, I will have a lot of questions and I'm going to expect you to have a lot of answers. ~Chip
There will be lots of things going on in and around Lawrence in this fall and we will provide details here as soon as possible.
Business/Organization: City of Lawrence
Title: Visit Monarch Waystations in Lawrence
Description: Take a self-guided tour of publicly accessible Monarch Waystations
Website: (offline)
Business/Organization: Spencer Museum of Art
Contact: Kristina Walker
Email: kewalker@ku.edu
Phone: 785-864-6798
Title: Butterfly Symmetry
Description: During the month of September The Spencer Museum of Art is partnering with Monarch Watch to celebrate the program's 30th anniversary at KU! Monarch Watch is a nonprofit education, conservation, and research program that focuses on the monarch butterfly, its habitat, and its spectacular fall migration. Visit our Flex Space behind the Welcome Desk all month long to create your own butterfly using symmetry as a design principle. You can find inspiration from works in our collection and watch as more butterfly creations migrate into the space.
Address: 1301 Mississippi Street, Lawrence, KS 66045
Website: spencerart.ku.edu/
Business/Organization: Eileen's Colossal Cookies
Contact: Sarah Guy
Email: eileenscolossalcookies@gmail.com
Phone: 785-856-2253
Title: Monarch Cookies
Description: 1 dozen decorated cookies with a Monarch theme
Location: Eileen's Colossal Cookies
Address: 4931 W. 6th St. Ste 124, Lawrence, KS 66049
Website: eileenscookies.com
Business/Organization: Owens Flower Shop
Contact: Kristin Spacek
Email: owensflowershop@sunflower.com
Phone: 785-843-6111
Description: A pretty garden arrangement featuring a monarch and coordinating greeting card
Location: Owens Flower Shop
Address: 846 Indiana St., Lawrence, KS 66044
Website: owensflowershop.net
Business/Organization: City of Lawrence
Contact: Mayor Courtney Shipley
Email: cshipley@lawrenceks.org
Phone: 785-764-8998
Title: City of Lawrence "Month of the Monarch" Proclamation
Description: The Lawrence Kansas Mayor will proclaim September 2022 "The Month of the Monarch" in honor of the 30th anniversary of Monarch Watch. The public is welcome to come and show support for Monarch Watch and the monarch butterfly. Wear your Monarch Watch shirt!
Location: City Commission Meeting Room, First Floor, City Hall
Address: 6 E 6th St, Lawrence, KS 66044
Date: 8-16-2022
Time: 5:45 PM to 6:15 PM
Pre-registration Required? No
Website: lawrenceks.civicweb.net/Portal/MeetingInformation.aspx?Id=1058
View this meeting live: lawrenceks.org/live/
Business/Organization: Lawrence Public Library
Contact: Jenny Cook
Email: jcook@lawrence.lib.ks.us
Phone: 785-843-3833 Ext 117
Title: Monarch Watch 30th Year Celebration at the Library
Description: See live caterpillars, chrysalises, and monarch butterflies. Casey, Julie, and Esther from Monarch Watch will demonstrate how to properly hold monarchs, teach how to identify male and female, and talk about the monarch migration and how we can help monarchs! Everyone will learn how to tag monarchs and get free milkweed seeds to take home.
Location: Lawrence Public Library Auditorium
Address: 707 Vermont St. Lawrence, KS 66044
Date: 9-3-2022
Time: 2:00 PM to 3:30 PM
Pre-registration Required? Yes
Website: lawrence.bibliocommons.com/events/62ee7cd88ca4b42b008163fc
Business/Organization: Lawrence Public Library
Contact: Linda Clay
Email: lclay@lawrence.lib.ks.us
Phone: 785-843-3833
Title: Lawrence Public Library Storytime
Description: Ages 3+ with their families. Join Ms. Linda as she shares her favorite stories and rhymes.
Location: Lawrence Public Library
Address: 707 Vermont St. Lawrence, KS 66044
Date: 9-6-2022
Time: 10:30 AM to 11:15 AM
Pre-registration Required? No
Website: lplks.org/
Business/Organization: Lawrence Public Library
Contact: Linda Clay
Email: lclay@lawrence.lib.ks.us
Phone: 785-843-3833
Title: Lawrence Public Library Storytime
Description: Ages 3+ with their families. Join Ms. Linda as she shares her favorite stories and rhymes.
Location: Lawrence Public Library
Address: 707 Vermont St. Lawrence, KS 66044
Date: 9-9-2022
Time: 10:30 AM to 11:15 AM
Pre-registration Required? No
Website: lplks.org/
Business/Organization: The Raven Book Store
Contact: Danny Caine
Email: danny@ravenbookstore.com
Phone: 785-749-3300
Title: Sara Dykman: Bicycling With Butterflies
Location: The Raven
Address: 809 Massachusetts St, Lawrence, KS 66044
Date: 9-17-2022
Time: 7:00 PM to 8:00 PM
Pre-registration Required? Yes. Masks and proof of Covid-19 vaccination required for entry and capacity is capped at 50. Registration for this event is now closed.
Website: eventbrite.com/e/sara-dykman-bicycling-with-butterflies-tickets-412415484817
Business/Organization: KU Natural History Museum
Contact: Eleanor Gardner
Email: eleanor.gardner@ku.edu
Phone: 785-864-2380
Title: Pop Up Science: Marvelous Monarchs
Description: Join us for Pop Up Science, a fun family-oriented program. Each month, visitors are invited to try themed hands-on science learning activities in a museum gallery. This month, learn about marvelous monarch butterflies -- including an experiment that models how monarchs travel using thermal air masses!
Location: KU Natural History Museum
Address: 1345 Jayhawk Blvd, Lawrence, KS 66045
Date: 9-18-2022
Time: 12:00 PM to 1:30 PM
Pre-registration Required? No
Website: biodiversity.ku.edu
Business/Organization: Union Station Kansas City
Contact: Nicholas Pryor
Email: NPryor@KCSouthern.com
Phone: 816-983-1458
Title: Save the Monarch Butterfly 60,000 Tree Challenge North American Boxcar Tour
Description: Enjoy more than 15 exhibitors at this free learning celebration that focuses on the iconic monarch butterfly. Monarchs and rail transportation are a symbol of North American unity and this unique event will promote sustainable solutions to issues pollinators are facing today. Through hands-on activities, games, presentations, performances and more we will engage with our community to promote pollinator habitat, educate a diverse audience, and raise funds to support reforestation in the monarch overwintering forests of Mexico.
Location: Union Station Kansas City, Haverty Family Yards
Address: 30 West Pershing Road, Kansas City, MO 64108
Date: 9-24-2022
Time: 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM
Pre-registration Required? No
Website: unionstation.org/event/save-the-monarch-butterfly-60000-tree-challenge-north-american-boxcar-tour/
The following community partners are hosting events, contributing money or services, or otherwise raising awareness about monarchs and Monarch Watch during our month-long celebration. Thank you!
We are always looking for monarch photos, videos, stories and more for use on our website, on our social media accounts, in our publications, and as a part of other promotional and educational items we distribute online and offline to promote monarch conservation and Monarch Watch.
To help us celebrate this year, we'd like you to send us your favorites! We will display some of them at the events and share them via our social media accounts and on our website as well.
For photos, we prefer the original image resolution and file size to give us the greatest flexibility in using them.
By using any method below to submit materials to Monarch Watch you affirm the following:
With my submission, I allow Monarch Watch to distribute, display, remix, adapt, or build upon submitted materials in any medium or format for commercial or noncommercial use, in support of the program. I understand that I will not be compensated in exchange for the use of my materials.
I certify that all submitted materials are my original work and if copyrighted I am the sole copyright owner. I also attest to have consent of anyone clearly depicted in images and agree to provide proof of consent upon request.
I agree that Monarch Watch may use my email address to contact me about my submitted materials.
Please use any of the following methods to send us your photos, videos, stories, and more!
1. Main submission form
This is the form we prefer you use as it is the most comprehensive and allows you to provide complete information.
2. Quick uploader for photos and videos
Note that this method does not allow you to include contact or other information.
3. If you have issues using either of the tools above you may also email your submission to us at share@monarchwatch.org but please include everything we ask for on the main form by copying/pasting the information below into your email message (or use it as a guide).
Email address:
Do you want to be credited when we use your materials, when feasible?
Name as you would like it to appear in credit:
Description of materials or other comments (for photos and videos this should include an approximate date of capture and location):
Thank you for your interest in sharing with us!
If you enjoy the various educational, conservation, and research programs Monarch Watch offers throughout the year, please consider making a donation today - it's quick, easy, secure, and fully tax-deductible. You can even set up a recurring gift (monthly or annually) if you'd like. We rely on contributions from Monarch Watchers just like you to keep the program going - thank you for your continued support!

If you would rather mail in a donation or have questions, please visit Giving in Support of Monarch Watch.
Photo credit: "Monarch butterfly on flower" by Joshua J. Cotten via Unsplash.